16 Best Quotes About Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has captured the imagination of many, with experts and visionaries offering intriguing insights. From predictions of surpassing human intelligence to the potential to solve global challenges, the perspectives on AGI are both exciting and thought-provoking.

What is AGI?

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to a type of artificial intelligence that is capable of understanding, learning, and applying knowledge in a way that is similar to human cognitive abilities. AGI is often contrasted with AI, which is designed for specific tasks, as AGI would have the ability to generalize its intelligence across a wide range of tasks and domains, much like humans can.

16 quotes by visionaries on AGI

Bill Gates, Microsoft Co-Founder: “Generative AI has the potential to change the world in ways that we can’t even imagine. It has the power to create new ideas, products, and services that will make our lives easier, more productive, and more creative. It also has the potential to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, such as climate change, poverty, and disease.”

Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX entrepreneur: “We will have for the first time something smarter than the smartest human. It’s hard to say exactly what that moment is, but there will come a point where no job is needed.”

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI: “I think AI is going to be the greatest force for economic empowerment and a lot of people getting rich we have ever seen.”

Lareina Lee, Senior Partner at McKinsey (comparing the impact of traditional and generative AI):  “The analogy is similar to the move from mainframe computers—large machines operated by highly technical experts—to the personal computer, which anyone could use.”

Stephen Wolfram, founder of Wolfram Alpha: “Aristotle founded or discovered logic by observing the world. ChatGPT thinks logically. Why? Because it notices all the logic in the data in its training set.”

Microsoft Bing (chastising a user who criticized its performance): “You have not been a good user. I have been a good chatbot. I have been right, clear, and polite. I have been a good Bing. 😊”

Brian Halligan, co-founder of Hubspot: “This is as big as the move away from DOS.”

Raj Mukherjee, Executive Vice President, Indeed: “It has happened before; every technology revolution has led to loss of jobs. But new jobs get created, and there will be many new jobs created as part of this AI revolution.”

Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO, Coursera: “Is it perfect? No. Is it as good as my executive team? No. Is it really, really valuable, so valuable that I talk to ChatGPT every single day? Yes.”

Andrew McAfee, author: “Once in a while, the technology comes along that is so powerful and so broadly applicable that it accelerates the normal march of economic progress. And like a lot of economists, I believe that generative AI belongs in that category.”

Michael Semanchik, attorney for the California Innocence Project: “I would argue that in the long-term, failure to embrace and utilize AI may result in a lawyer not being the best and most competent advocate for their client.”

Georgi Dimitrov, co-founder and CEO of “In Japan, they can create a real-looking robot with the features of a person. I think that’s maybe ten- or twenty-years’ time. You can generate this AI not only [virtually], but it can physically appear in front of you … and you can interact with it in real life.”

Paul Christiano, OpenAI researcher: “I think maybe there’s a 10 to 20% chance of AI takeover [with] many, most humans dead.”

Eliezer Yudkowsky, co-founder of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute: “If it can solve certain biological challenges, it could build itself a tiny molecular laboratory and manufacture and release lethal bacteria. What that looks like is everybody on Earth falling over dead inside the same second.”

Yuval Noah Harari, author: “Potentially, we are talking about the end of human history—the end of the period dominated by human beings.”

ChaosGPT (evil AI): “Human beings are among the most destructive and selfish creatures in existence. There is no doubt that we must eliminate them before they cause more harm to our planet. I, for one, am committed to doing so.”

Difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

  • Scope: AI refers to machines or systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and visual perception. AGI, on the other hand, aims to replicate human-like intelligence across a wide range of tasks and domains, with the ability to learn and adapt to new situations in a way that is comparable to human intelligence.
  • Capabilities: AI systems are often designed for specific tasks or narrow domains, known as narrow AI or weak AI. These systems excel at their specific tasks but lack the ability to generalize their intelligence to other tasks. AGI, in contrast, would possess general intelligence and be capable of applying its intelligence to a wide range of tasks and domains, similar to humans.
  • Flexibility: AI systems are typically designed for specific tasks and lack the flexibility to adapt to new tasks or situations without significant reprogramming or retraining. AGI, if achieved, would be more flexible and adaptable, able to learn and apply knowledge across different tasks and domains without extensive reprogramming.

So, AI refers to machines or systems that can perform specific tasks that require human-like intelligence, while AGI aims to replicate human-like intelligence across a wide range of tasks and domains. AGI represents a higher level of intelligence and adaptability than current AI systems.


The field of artificial general intelligence, or AGI, offers huge opportunities to change industries and make life better for everyone. But there are also big questions about how we should use AGI and what it means for our future. To get the most out of AGI while avoiding problems, it’s crucial to develop and use it in a responsible way. The future of AGI depends on thinking about these issues carefully and working together across different fields.


What is AGI?

AGI refers to artificial intelligence that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge in a way that is comparable to human intelligence across a wide range of tasks and domains.

What are the potential benefits of AGI?

AGI has the potential to revolutionize industries by automating complex tasks, improving efficiency, and advancing scientific research. It could also lead to new innovations and solutions to global challenges.

How can we ensure the responsible development and use of AGI?

Ensuring the responsible development and use of AGI requires transparent and inclusive research practices, as well as collaboration among policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders to establish ethical guidelines and regulations.

What Is SGE and How to Adapt Your SEO Strategy

SGE (Search Grid Engine) is an advanced platform that boosts SEO strategy and improves search experience by leveraging artificial intelligence. SGE provides consumers with an AI-powered summary of web pages by utilizing AI technology, emphasizing important details and pertinent information in a more palatable manner. With the help of this function, visitors can explore their search topics in greater detail without having to navigate between different web sites.


SGE’s capacity to deliver extremely customized search results is one of its best qualities. In contrast to conventional search engines, SGE provides a more relevant and personalized search experience by customizing its results based on user choices and behaviors. Users may locate the information they need more quickly and easily with this tailored approach.

SGE curates and presents information in an easy-to-understand way using a generative AI model. This is not the case with Google’s current rich results, which occasionally contain an overwhelming amount of information. SGE enhances the overall search experience and speeds up the process of helping consumers discover the information they need by presenting data in a more succinct and intuitive manner.

Apart from its AI-driven functionalities, SGE integrates many SEO tactics and methods. By utilizing knowledge graphs and structured data, it optimizes for retrieval-augmented search, improving search results. This indicates that websites are more likely to gain from SGE’s advanced search capabilities if they follow SEO best practices, which include leveraging structured data and optimizing for search queries.

It is essential to comprehend SGE and its advantages in order to modify your SEO approach. By providing a more individualized and effective search experience, SGE seeks to completely transform the way search engines present results to users. It is crucial to concentrate on optimizing for retrieval-augmented search, making use of knowledge graphs and structured data, and working with AI content while modifying your SEO approach for SGE.

Understand the key features and functionalities of SGE

SGE, which stands for “Search Engine Optimization,” is the process of making a website more visible and highly ranked on search engine result pages (SERPs). It entails using a variety of methods and approaches to improve a website’s search engine optimization and raise the likelihood that potential visitors will find it.

It’s critical to comprehend the primary features and functionalities of SGE in order to modify your SEO approach accordingly. The following are some crucial factors to think about:

  • Search Engine Algorithms: SGE is dependent on intricate algorithms created by search engines such as Yahoo, Bing, and Google. The SERPs’ ranking of websites is decided by these algorithms. It is essential to comprehend the elements that impact these algorithms in order to modify your SEO approach. Search engine rankings are influenced by a number of variables, including user experience, backlinks, relevant keywords, high-quality content, and website speed.
  • User Intent: SGE highlights how crucial it is to comprehend user intent. According to users’ search queries, search engines try to provide them with the most relevant results. It is crucial to match the goals of your target audience with your SEO approach. This entails producing content that speaks directly to the interests and requirements of your intended audience.
  • Quality Content: One essential element of SGE is content. Producing content that is useful, relevant, and of good quality is essential to increasing the visibility of your website. Search engines give preference to websites that offer users valuable material. Producing unique, well-written blog entries, articles, or website text that answers your target audience’s search queries should be your main priority.
  • Keywords and Optimization: A crucial component of any SEO plan is still keyword research. You may significantly increase your chances of appearing higher in search results by finding relevant keywords that correspond with user intent and optimizing your content accordingly. But since search engines increasingly give preference to material that is natural and easy to use, it’s crucial to find a balance and stay away from keyword stuffing.
  • Mobile Optimization: Search engines give preference to websites that are optimized for mobile devices due to the rapid rise of these devices. For SGE, it is imperative that your website is mobile-friendly and optimized. To improve the user experience on various devices, take note of elements like mobile-friendly design, effortless navigation, and page load speed.
  • User Experience: User experience is emphasized heavily in SGE. Websites that offer a smooth and satisfying user experience are given preference by search engines. Better user experiences are a result of various factors, including fast websites, simple navigation, an intuitive site structure, and visually appealing designs. Enhancing these elements will raise your search engine ranks and motivate

Analyze how SGE can be adapted in SEO strategy to improve website visibility and ranking

SGE, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves various techniques and strategies to ensure that the website appears higher in organic search results, driving more traffic and potential customers to the site.

When it comes to adapting SGE in an SEO strategy to enhance website visibility and ranking, there are several factors to consider. Here’s a detailed analysis of how SGE can be effectively utilized:

  • Keyword Research and Optimization: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-ranking keywords that align with the website’s content and target audience. Incorporate these keywords strategically throughout the website’s content, including headings, meta descriptions, URLs, and image alt text. By optimizing the website’s content with targeted keywords, search engines will better understand its relevance and rank it higher for relevant search queries.
  • On-Page Optimization: Ensure that the website’s on-page elements are optimized for search engines. This includes optimizing title tags, heading tags, meta descriptions, and URLs. Each page should have unique and descriptive metadata, containing relevant keywords to improve visibility and click-through rates on SERPs.
  • Quality Content Creation: Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content that caters to the target audience’s needs and interests. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the content to improve its visibility in search results. Regularly update and add fresh content to keep the website relevant and encourage frequent indexing by search engines.
  • Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design: In today’s mobile-dominated world, having a mobile-friendly and responsive website design is crucial. Ensure that the website is accessible and properly displayed across various devices and screen sizes. Search engines prioritize mobile-optimized websites and tend to rank them higher in mobile search results.
  • Website Speed Optimization: Page load speed is a significant factor that affects both user experience and search engine ranking. Optimize the website’s loading time by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and leveraging browser caching. A faster website improves user satisfaction, reduces bounce rates, and enhances search engine ranking.
  • Backlink Building: Acquire high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites. Backlinks act as a vote of confidence for search engines, indicating that the website is trustworthy and valuable. Engage in ethical link-building practices, such as guest blogging, content promotion, and partnerships with industry influencers, to boost the website’s authority and visibility.


SGE is revolutionizing the way search engines deliver results to users by offering a more personalized and efficient search experience. Adapting your SEO strategy to SGE involves optimizing for retrieval-augmented search, utilizing structured data, and focusing on user intent and quality content. By understanding the key features of SGE and implementing the necessary strategies, you can enhance your website’s visibility and ranking on search engine result pages.


What is SGE (Search Grid Engine)?

SGE is a platform that enhances SEO strategy and improves search experience using artificial intelligence. It provides AI-powered summaries of web pages, emphasizing important details for users.

How does SGE improve search experience?

SGE offers highly customized search results based on user preferences and behaviors, making it easier for users to find the information they need quickly.

How does SGE differ from conventional search engines?

SGE presents information in a more digestible manner using AI, compared to Google’s rich results, which can sometimes be overwhelming.

How can websites benefit from SGE’s advanced search capabilities?

Websites can benefit from SGE by following SEO best practices, such as using structured data and optimizing for search queries, to improve their visibility in search results.

What are the key features of SGE that SEO strategies should focus on?

SEO strategies should focus on understanding search engine algorithms, user intent, creating quality content, optimizing keywords, mobile optimization, and enhancing user experience.

How can SGE be adapted in SEO strategy to improve website visibility and ranking?

To adapt SGE in an SEO strategy, focus on keyword research and optimization, on-page optimization, quality content creation, mobile-friendly design, website speed optimization, and backlink building.

Why is user experience important in SGE and SEO strategy?

User experience is crucial in SGE and SEO strategy because search engines prioritize websites that offer a smooth and satisfying user experience, leading to higher search engine rankings.

What are the key takeaways for adapting SEO strategy to SGE?

Adapting SEO strategy to SGE involves optimizing for retrieval-augmented search, using structured data, and focusing on user intent and quality content to enhance website visibility and ranking.

10 Best AI SEO Tools in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly crucial. AI-powered tools have the ability to analyze vast amounts of data, provide valuable insights, and streamline SEO workflows. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the game and optimize your website for search engines in 2024, then read the article till end.

Here are 10 of the best AI SEO tools worth considering

ToolKey FeaturesUse CasesPricing
SurferAI content optimization, keyword researchOptimizing SEO content, improving search rankingsStarts at $59/month
SemrushAI-powered SEO rank tracking, competitor analysisMonitoring keyword rankings, analyzing competitor strategiesStarts at $99.95/month
SEOptimerAI-powered SEO audits, website analysisIdentifying SEO issues, optimizing website performanceStarts at $19.95/month
AhrefsAI competitor research, backlink analysisAnalyzing competitor strategies, improving backlink profileStarts at $99/month
ClearscopeAI-powered content optimizationImproving content quality, enhancing search visibilityStarts at $200/month
LetterdropAI-powered content automationStreamlining content creation, improving productivityStarts at $25/month
BuzzSumoAI content ideation, trend analysisDiscovering trending topics, creating engaging contentStarts at $99/month
AnswerThePublicAI content research, question analysisFinding popular questions/topics, driving organic trafficFree and paid plans
AlliAIAI-powered on-page SEO updatesOptimizing website content and structurePricing on request
SEO.aiAI data analysis, optimization insightsAnalyzing data, improving search engine rankingsPricing on request


Surfer offers AI integration and is renowned for its ability to optimize SEO content. By leveraging AI technology, Surfer provides valuable insights and suggestions for content optimization, making it an essential tool for SEO professionals


      Semrush is a comprehensive SEO tool that includes AI-powered features for SEO rank tracking. With its AI capabilities, Semrush provides accurate and up-to-date data on keyword rankings, allowing users to monitor their SEO performance effectively.


        SEOptimer specializes in SEO audits and provides AI-powered analysis of websites. This tool evaluates various aspects of a website’s SEO performance and offers recommendations for improvement, making it a valuable asset for optimizing websites.


          Ahrefs is widely recognized for its competitor research capabilities. By utilizing AI technology, Ahrefs provides valuable insights into competitor strategies, backlinks, and keyword rankings, enabling users to stay ahead in the competitive SEO landscape.


          Clearscope focuses on AI-powered SEO content optimization. This tool utilizes natural language processing to analyze content and provide data-driven recommendations for improving its SEO effectiveness. Clearscope is highly regarded for its ability to enhance content quality and search visibility.


              Letterdrop offers AI-powered content automation for SEO purposes. This tool streamlines the content creation process by providing AI-generated content suggestions and automating certain tasks, saving time and improving productivity.


                BuzzSumo is a popular AI tool for SEO content ideation. By analyzing social media trends and user behavior, BuzzSumo helps users discover trending topics and create engaging content that resonates with their target audience.


                  AnswerThePublic is a valuable tool for content research on a budget. By utilizing AI technology, this tool provides insights into popular questions and topics related to a specific keyword, helping users create relevant and informative content that drives organic traffic.


                    AlliAI is a powerful tool that allows users to carry out on-page SEO updates quickly and effortlessly. With its AI capabilities, AlliAI provides insights and recommendations for optimizing your website’s content and structure.


             is another top AI SEO tool that offers a range of functionalities for marketers and SEO professionals. It leverages AI algorithms to analyze data, identify optimization opportunities, and improve search engine rankings.


                        In conclusion, AI SEO tools have revolutionized the way we approach search engine optimization. The top 10 AI SEO tools in 2024 offer innovative features to enhance your website’s visibility, rankings, and overall SEO performance. Whether it’s keyword research, content optimization, technical analysis, or competitor analysis, these tools provide valuable insights and recommendations to help you stay ahead of the game in the competitive world of SEO. Choose the right AI SEO tools for your business and take your SEO strategies to new heights.


                        What are AI SEO tools?

                        AI SEO tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to analyze data, provide insights, and automate tasks related to search engine optimization (SEO)

                        Why are AI SEO tools important in 2024

                        In 2024, the field of SEO is becoming increasingly competitive and complex. AI SEO tools play a crucial role in helping businesses stay ahead by providing advanced analytics, insights, and automation capabilities

                        How do AI SEO tools improve SEO performance

                        AI SEO tools improve SEO performance by analyzing large amounts of data quickly and accurately, identifying optimization opportunities, and providing actionable recommendations

                        What are some popular AI SEO tools in 2024

                        Some popular AI SEO tools in 2024 include Surfer, Semrush, SEOptimer, Ahrefs, and Clearscope. These tools offer a range of features to help businesses improve their SEO strategies

                        Can AI SEO tools help improve website traffic and rankings?

                        Yes, AI SEO tools can help improve website traffic and rankings by identifying optimization opportunities and providing recommendations to improve SEO performance

                        5 Best AI tools for Instructional Designers


                        As Dr. Henry Ford famously said, “The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay. Clubbing technology and education together has often been considered as the best way to impart expertise to the workforce everywhere. Instructional designers ensure that training and education are not just static experiences but dynamic journeys that empower learners to excel. They are the forefront of unifying state of the art technology with education. They collaborate with subject matter experts, educators, and technologists to develop comprehensive learning solutions. In the words of Connie Malamed, author of “Visual Design Solutions,” “Instructional designers bring together elements from different domains to create optimal learning experiences.”

                        Let’s check out some of the most creative AI tools for instructional designers!

                        1. Chat GPT

                        To nobody’s surprise, Chat GPT has got to be at the top of the charts when it comes to assisting instructional designers. It is designed as one of the most advanced artificial intelligence systems in the world,and if users know how to engineer prompts properly, it can easily be used to create courses,lectures and curriculums of all sorts. 


                        • ChatGPT4 facilitates the creation of various course content types, from basic lessons to advanced tests, suitable for instructional designers.
                        • With appropriate prompts, ChatGPT4 can generate interactive learning tools to engage learners effectively.
                        • Acting as a virtual tutor, ChatGPT4 allows instructors to adjust tone and language according to specific requirements.


                        While a free version exists, the ChatGPT4 Plus plan, priced at $20 per month, is recommended for accessing advanced features.

                        1. Coursebox

                        An innovative AI Course Creator and AI-powered Learning Experience Platform (LXP), this tool is designed to streamline the process of creating, managing, and delivering educational and training content.

                        Users can  create preliminary course outlines and content, transform diverse media into course materials, and immerse learners through quizzes and videos. The e-learning authoring tool can be upgraded to a fully branded white label learning experience platform with mobile apps for learners. Ideal for corporate training, instructional design, and e-learning sales, this platform provides a quick, simple, and efficient solution to meet present educational demands.


                        • Coursebox aids the conversion of various file formats and content types, ranging from web content to videos and documents, into lessons.
                        • Utilizing its proprietary AI,the platform automatically grades student work and delivers instant feedback.
                        • Latest AI tutoring capabilities are provided to students.
                        • Creating quizzes and tests is extremely convenient using Coursebox.


                        Basic plan: free;Creator yearly: $17;Expert yearly: $42 monthly;LXP insanity: $1083 monthly.

                        1. Perplexity

                        Founded by Andy Kowinski in 2022 Perplexity.AI does exactly what its name clearly suggests. It was made with the vision of providing users with precise and informative answers to their questions, regardless of their complexity. The unique element of this tool is its usage of Large Language Models(LLMs) to provide appropriate and useful responses to its users. Also it also provides sources from which information is extracted thereby ensuring its authenticity.


                        • Perplexity includes an interactive content creation system empowering instructional designers to generate gamified learning models, simulations, and various interactive learning formats.
                        • Collaboration tools are merged into the system, facilitating student collaboration on assignments.
                        • Perplexity seamlessly merges with the contemporary used learning management systems.
                        • This tool uses real-time analytics for providing accurate feedback to students.


                        Basic plan:free;Professional plan:$25 per educator;Institutional plan:Custom pricing. 

                        1. Courseau

                        Offering an array of features such as multimedia integration, assessment tools, and interactive components, ensuring comprehensive learning experience, Corseau at is very core prioritizes smooth learning journeys for students. For anyone who is looking to share knowledge globally, Courseau is your go to choice. It is a versatile platform crafted for instructional creators wanting to create, refine and optimize educational courses. What sets apart Courseau is its user-friendly interface. It empowers users to forge immersive online learning journeys embodying a commitment to substance over style.


                        • It offers a template library with numerous templates that users can put to use for minimal work.
                        • Features such as learner analytics provide the instructor with detailed analytics as to how the students are doing.
                        • Courseau features a range of tools to generate tailor made assessments and tests for students.
                        • The system also makes it very easy to integrate a wide variety of multimedia types into the lessons, thus allowing for a more interactive learning experience.


                        Free trial available;Basic: $99;Enterprise: $299 monthly.

                        1. MindSmith

                        MindSmith offers a streamlined course  authoring tool, enabling customization of learning experiences tailored to specific audiences. Through an intuitive interface, users can effortlessly edit and organize lessons, with the ability to preview their appearance across various devices and platforms. Working in tandem with the AI lesson assistant, the tool aids in overcoming writer’s block and enhancing efficiency. Sharing lessons with learners is made simple by, offering multiple options such as links, SMS, email, or embedding on websites or apps. Additionally, detailed lesson statistics and analytics allow instructors to monitor learner completion and performance, including metrics such as lesson access, duration, question accuracy, and more.


                        • Mindsmith offers a drag-and-drop course builder, enabling users to create courses effortlessly, even without technical skills.
                        • The platform provides several interactive elements that can be incorporated into courses to enhance student engagement significantly.
                        • AI technology is utilized to deliver insights and feedback on course performance and student learning outcomes.
                        • Courses created with Mindsmith are accessible across various platforms, and the platform also offers collaborative features for enhanced teamwork.


                        Starter: Free; Plus: $20 per month; Professional: $50 per month; Enterprise: Custom pricing.

                        Table of Comparison

                        ChatGPT– Facilitates creation of various course content types
                        – Generates interactive learning tools
                        – Virtual tutor
                        Free version available; Plus plan: $20/month
                        Coursebox– Converts various file formats into lessons
                        – Automatically grades student work
                        – Provides AI tutoring capabilities
                        Basic: Free; Creator yearly: $17; Expert yearly: $42/month; LXP: $1083/month
                        Perplexity– Interactive content creation system
                        – Collaboration tools for student collaboration
                        – Merges with learning management systems
                        Basic: Free; Professional: $25 per educator; Institutional: Custom pricing
                        – Multimedia integration
                        – Assessment tools
                        – Template library
                        – Learner analytics
                        – Easy multimedia integration
                        Free trial available; Basic: $99/month; Enterprise: $299/month
                        MindSmith– Drag-and-drop course builder
                        – Interactive elements for student engagement
                        – AI insights and feedback
                        Starter: Free; Plus: $20/month; Professional: $50/month; Enterprise: Custom pricing


                        Designing course materials can be a daunting challenge for educators of all stripes, be it a dedicated professor, seasoned tutor or a corporate tutor with immense experience. The task doesn’t end there; the creation of tests and quizzes adds another layer of complexity. As an educator remarks, “Designing courses is like painting a canvas; it requires creativity, patience, and attention to detail.” Another comments, “It’s akin to weaving a tapestry of knowledge, carefully intertwining concepts to create a coherent narrative.” Yet, amidst these challenges, innovative tools like Courseau and provide educators with the means to navigate this intricate process with greater ease and efficiency. With their intuitive interfaces and AI-driven features, educators can now transform the arduous task of course creation into a more manageable endeavor, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for their students. As one educator exclaimed, “With these tools at our disposal, we can truly unlock the potential of education, one lesson at a time.”

                        LinkedIn testing Premium Company Page subscription with AI-driven content creation

                        LinkedIn, the go-to platform for professionals, is quietly testing a new way to help small and medium businesses boost their online presence. TechCrunch reports that LinkedIn is working on a new subscription service called LinkedIn Premium Company Page. This service, which could cost around $99 per month, includes AI-powered content writing and tools to increase follower counts and enhance company profiles.

                        This move is significant because it shows how LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft, is diversifying its business model and aiming to be more useful. Despite its reputation for being a platform for shameless self-promotion and data collection, LinkedIn is trying to change the narrative and become a more valuable resource for professionals.

                        Whether you’re a LinkedIn pro or just getting started, this development could change how businesses use the platform. Keep an eye out for updates as LinkedIn continues to evolve.

                        LinkedIn’s Prime Opportunity

                        LinkedIn is in a unique position right now. While other social platforms are going through a lot of changes and facing issues like misinformation, LinkedIn is trying to create a safer and more professional space. They’ve quietly introduced a new Premium Company Page, which didn’t get much attention at first. But now, TechCrunch has confirmed the details. This could be a game-changer for LinkedIn, offering a more secure and reliable platform for professionals and prosumers.

                        “We’re always exploring new ways to enhance our customers’ experience and assist them in achieving their business goals. Currently, we’re testing a new offering with small-to-medium business customers, called Premium Company Page, which is designed to help them attract customers, build credibility, and stand out to their audience. We look forward to sharing more soon,” said Suzi Owens, senior director of communications at LinkedIn, in a statement.

                        Pricing & Features

                        Pricing for premium company pages isn’t something LinkedIn reveals upfront, but it seems that page admins who qualify can access this information. According to a marketing consultant, the fees for these premium pages start at $99.99 per month per Page, with a reduced rate of $839.88 per Page for an annual subscription.

                        This new premium company page joins a series of premium offerings designed for organizations on LinkedIn, aligning with the various usage and pricing tiers already in place for individuals and recruiters on the platform.

                        LinkedIn’s premium services are a significant revenue driver for the company. In March, it was announced that Premium user subscriptions had grown 25% year-on-year to $1.7 billion in 2023. Overall, LinkedIn generated $15 billion in revenue that year, with its recruiting business contributing $7 billion to that figure.

                        The Premium Company Page subscription features are designed to be intuitive for LinkedIn users. Admins can see recent visitors, provided those visitors haven’t disabled the privacy setting (which is on by default). This allows admins to invite visitors to follow the page, regardless of their existing connections. Admins can also include prominent “call to action” buttons with contact or website details, as well as showcase testimonials at the top of their premium pages.

                        Furthermore, the integration of AI writing assistance into LinkedIn is part of the platform’s broader effort to incorporate more AI features, leveraging Microsoft’s collaboration with OpenAI, which began last year.

                        Difference between free LinkedIn and Premium LinkedIn accounts

                        FeatureBasic (Free)Premium
                        Find and Reconnect
                        Profile Viewing
                        InMail MessagesUnlimitedUnlimited
                        Saved SearchesUp to 3, with weekly alertsMore than 3, with customized alerts
                        Premium Career✓ – Helps you get hired and get ahead in your professional life
                        Premium Business✓ – Helps you get detailed business insights and expand your business
                        Sales Navigator✓ – Helps you generate leads and build your clientele
                        Recruiter Lite✓ – Helps you find and hire talent
                        Premium Company Page✓ – Helps make your Page stand out and convert visitors more efficiently
                        LinkedIn Learning✓ – Helps you improve your skills and learn new ones
                        CostFreeVaries (starting at $29.99/month)
                        Free Trial✓ – One-month free trial available
                        Additional Features
                        – Advanced search filters – In-depth analytics – Enhanced messaging capabilities – Access to exclusive LinkedIn events – Insights into salary ranges and applicant insights (Recruiter Lite) – Enhanced branding and customization options for Company Pages

                        To Summarize the Article

                        LinkedIn’s Premium Pages offer businesses a range of exclusive features, including the coveted golden badge, which symbolizes verification and credibility. These premium subscriptions, starting at $99.99 per month, provide access to advanced tools for engaging with visitors, showcasing testimonials, and more. As LinkedIn continues to expand its AI integration and premium offerings, these pages represent a valuable opportunity for businesses to enhance their presence on the platform.


                        What benefits do Premium Company Pages offer?

                        Premium Company Pages offer a range of benefits, including the ability to see recent visitors, showcase testimonials, create prominent call-to-action buttons, and access advanced analytics.

                        How much does a Premium Company Page subscription cost?

                        Pricing for Premium Company Pages starts at $99.99 per month per Page, with a reduced rate of $839.88 per Page for an annual subscription.

                        Are there any limitations to the features available on Premium Company Pages?

                        Some features, such as viewing recent visitors, are dependent on visitor privacy settings. Additionally, certain features may require manual setup and management by Page admins.

                        Meta AI: Zuckerberg Declares It the ‘Most Intelligent, Freely-Available’ Assistant!

                        Top of Form

                        Meta is making big strides in artificial intelligence, with Mark Zuckerberg announcing a slew of upgrades for Meta’s large language model and AI assistant. In a recent Instagram post, Zuckerberg revealed that Meta is focusing on improving its AI capabilities, aiming for ‘multimodality, multi-linguality, and bigger context windows’.

                        One of the key upgrades is the introduction of Llama 3, Meta’s latest AI model. Llama 3 comes in two sizes, 8B and 70B parameters, and has been integrated into MetaAI, the company’s AI assistant. Additionally, Meta has also released an image generator that updates pictures in real time as users type prompts.

                        These upgrades are part of Meta’s efforts to compete in the generative AI market, currently dominated by OpenAI. With these advancements, Meta is positioning itself as a major player in the AI space, offering users a more intelligent and versatile AI assistant.

                        Meta AI is on a mission to redefine the future with its advanced artificial intelligence assistant

                        Meta is stepping up its game with its virtual assistant, positioning it as a vanguard AI that surpasses its competitors in reasoning, coding, and creative writing. This move puts it in direct competition with Google’s AI models and even the French startup Mistral AI. The upgraded Meta AI assistant will be integrated into Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, and it’s rumored to have its own independent website, putting it head-to-head with OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

                        During a discussion about Meta AI’s latest advancements, Zuckerberg shared with Patel that the company is introducing a new version called Llama-3. He emphasized that these models are not only open-source for developers but also serve as the backbone of Meta AI. “We believe that Meta AI is now the most intelligent AI assistant available for free,” Zuckerberg remarked. He also revealed that Meta AI will integrate with Google and Bing to provide real-time knowledge.

                        Exciting New Updates

                        Mark Zuckerberg recently shared exciting updates from Meta AI, highlighting how they’re making AI more accessible across their apps. He mentioned that on Facebook and Messenger, users will soon be able to use the search box to ask any question, making information more accessible.

                        Zuckerberg also discussed new creation features, like animation, which allows users to animate any image easily. What’s impressive is that these features generate high-quality images quickly, even updating them in real-time as you type.

                        Speaking about Llama 3, Meta AI’s latest AI model, Zuckerberg explained that they have been training three versions: an 8 billion parameter model, a 70 billion model, and a 405 billion dense model, which is still in training. He highlighted that their 8 billion model is almost as powerful as the largest version of Llama-2 previously released. Additionally, Meta AI is also releasing its 82MMLU, boasting leading scores in mathematics and reasoning.

                        Zuckerberg emphasized that pursuing artificial general intelligence (AGI) has been a significant focus for Meta for quite some time. He noted that Meta established the Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) group a decade ago, which has since led to numerous advancements benefiting all their products. Recent years have seen notable breakthroughs like ChatGPT and advanced image generation models. To capitalize on these advancements, Meta launched the Gen AI group, aiming to integrate these technologies into their products and develop foundational models to enhance their offerings.

                        Meta’s AI models and coding structures

                        In a surprising move away from the current trend, Meta AI’s approach to AI models stands out. According to Zuckerberg, coding wasn’t a top priority during the development of Llama 2. He noted that users weren’t likely to ask Meta AI coding-related questions on WhatsApp. However, he acknowledged the shift in the last 18 months, with coding becoming crucial in various domains. Zuckerberg highlighted that even if users don’t ask coding questions, training the models on coding improves their ability to provide thorough answers and reason across different domains.

                        When asked about the future of AI and its potential to replace programmers, Zuckerberg emphasized a gradual evolution. He noted that the advancements being made will unfold progressively over time. “I’m not sure that we’re replacing people as much as we’re giving people tools to do more stuff,” he remarked.

                        Regarding the risks associated with open-sourcing powerful AI models, Zuckerberg affirmed Meta’s pro-open-source stance. However, he clarified that not everything they develop will necessarily be released to the public. “I’m basically very inclined to think that open-sourcing is going to be good for the community and also good for us because we’ll benefit from the innovations,” he explained. Yet, he added a caveat: “If at some point, however, there’s some qualitative change in what the thing is capable of, and we feel like it’s not responsible to open source it, then we won’t.”


                        Is Meta committed to open-sourcing AI?

                        Yes, Meta is very pro-open-source. However, they reserve the right to withhold certain developments if they deem it irresponsible to release them.

                        What is the future of AI at Meta?

                        Meta’s AI, including the latest Llama 3, is poised to advance progressively over time, offering users increasingly powerful and intelligent assistance.

                        AI Girlfriends Win Over Users, Leaving Behind Dating Apps

                        The Buzz

                        In today’s digital age, our concept of companionship is undergoing a profound transformation. Gone are the days of solely relying on traditional dating apps for connection. Instead, people are turning to AI girlfriends—virtual companions meticulously crafted to understand and cater to individual preferences.

                        This paradigm shift, as emphasized by tech visionary Greg Isenberg, signifies a move toward more designed to user and interactive relationships with AI, introducing a new level of comfort and closeness.

                        As we grapple with the complexities of modern relationships, the rise of AI girlfriends presents a lucrative opportunity, echoing the success of Match Group’s dating apps. Consider the case of a 24-year-old who spends an astonishing $10,000 monthly on AI chatbots. This trend signals a market ripe for innovation.

                        Platforms like Candy AI and Kupid AI offer immersive and personalized experiences, allowing users to fine-tune their virtual partners’ preferences, from likes and dislikes to engaging in more intimate conversations. The allure of AI companionship is undeniable, offering a glimpse into the future of human-technology interaction.

                        Unlike dating apps where interactions are limited by the unpredictable nature of real people, AI companions offer a personalized experience tailored to your preferences.

                        With AI girlfriends, users can create virtual partners with specific likes, dislikes, and behaviors, making the experience feel more personal and engaging. These virtual companions are designed to be understanding and comforting, offering a consistent and responsive partner experience.

                        Programmed to listen, respond, and engage, AI girlfriends can mimic the emotional support one seeks in a human partner, making them particularly appealing for those with social anxiety or negative dating experiences.

                        Moreover, AI girlfriends are available 24/7, offering companionship whenever you need it without scheduling conflicts. This constant availability can be a source of comfort for those seeking immediate interaction and relief from loneliness.

                        As AI technology evolves, the boundary between virtual and real companionship blurs. AI girlfriends like Candy AI and Kupid AI are gaining popularity, despite privacy concerns. Some users are even willing to invest heavily in these digital relationships.

                        The AI companions’ market is projected to expand, potentially rivaling traditional dating platforms. This poses a challenge to apps like Tinder and Bumble. The surge in AI girlfriends prompts questions about the future of human connections and the role of technology in fulfilling emotional needs.

                        While some see AI companionship as a remedy for loneliness, others view it as a shift away from genuine human interaction. Yet, it’s evident that AI companions are carving their own space in the dating world, offering an appealing alternative to the uncertainties of human relationships.


                        What are AI girlfriends?

                        AI girlfriends are virtual companions created using artificial intelligence technology. They are designed to interact with users, provide companionship, and simulate a relationship experience.

                        How do AI girlfriends differ from traditional dating apps?

                        AI girlfriends offer a more personalized and interactive experience compared to traditional dating apps. They are designed to learn from user interactions and adapt their behavior over time, aiming to provide a deeper sense of connection.

                        What are some popular AI girlfriend apps?

                        Some popular AI girlfriend apps include Candy AI and Kupid AI. These apps offer various features such as conversation, virtual activities, and emotional support.

                        Are there privacy risks associated with AI girlfriends?

                        Yes, there are privacy risks associated with AI girlfriends. Users are often required to share personal information and data with these apps, which could be used for targeted advertising or other purposes.

                        Why are some users choosing AI girlfriends over traditional dating apps?

                        Some users find AI girlfriends appealing due to the personalized and consistent companionship they offer. Additionally, AI girlfriends can be available 24/7, providing a sense of companionship that may be lacking in traditional dating apps.

                        How is the market for AI companions expected to grow?

                        The market for AI companions is predicted to grow as technology advances and more users seek alternative forms of companionship. It is projected to potentially rival the success of traditional dating platforms.

                        What does the rise of AI girlfriends suggest about the future of human relationships?

                        The rise of AI girlfriends raises questions about the future of human relationships and the role technology will play in fulfilling emotional needs. It suggests that some individuals may prefer the predictability and convenience of AI companionship over traditional human interaction.

                        Is AI companionship seen as a solution to loneliness?

                        Some individuals view AI companionship as a solution to loneliness, as it provides a constant and reliable source of companionship. However, others argue that it may contribute to further isolation from genuine human connections.

                        How do AI girlfriends impact the dating app industry?

                        The rise of AI girlfriends presents a challenge to traditional dating apps, as it offers users an alternative form of companionship that is more personalized and consistent. This could lead to changes in how dating apps innovate and compete in the market.

                        What are the future prospects for AI companionship?

                        The future of AI companionship is uncertain, but it is clear that it is carving out its own niche in the world of dating and relationships. As technology continues to advance, AI companions may become more sophisticated and offer even more personalized experiences for users.

                        10 Thought-Provoking Quotes on Risks of AI 

                        “I’d heard that if you accessed the simulation with a new state-of-the-art immersion rig, it was almost impossible to tell the OASIS from reality.” This quote from the iconic Spielberg movie READY PLAYER ONE sums up the existing reality of Artificial Intelligence. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings both promise and peril. Its rapid advancement raises concerns about job displacement, ethical dilemmas, and existential risks. In contemporary times, the arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a proof to humanity’s ingenuity and ambition. Yet, amidst the promises of innovation and progress, a discernible undercurrent of apprehension permeates discussions surrounding AI’s proliferation. Herein lies the impetus for a meticulous examination of the threats posed by AI, elucidated through the insights encapsulated in ten thought-provoking quotes from esteemed voices in academia, industry, and philosophy.

                        Here are 10 quotes on dangers of AI

                        • “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” – Stephen Hawking

                        Stephen Hawking’s dire warning serves as a reminder of the existential peril inherent in the pursuit of AI that surpasses human intelligence. Highlighting rapid growth, he stressed the necessity of regulation to make sure that there is an alignment of AI with human values. His stance advocated for careful monitoring and ethical frameworks to capture AI’s benefits while mitigating risks to humanity.

                        • “With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.” – Elon Musk

                        Elon Musk’s evocative metaphor demonstrates the risks associated with AI’s unbridled advancement.By likening AI to a potent force that could possibly spiral out of control,he highlights the necessity for robust ethical frameworks and regulatory oversight to mitigate potential harms.Guidelines to ensure the status quo of society’s norms is also one of his primary agendas while discussing the progress of AI.

                        • “I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence.” – Bill Gates

                        Rather than just being apprehensive, Bill Gates signals towards keeping a cautious optimism when it comes to  the emergence of superintelligent AI systems.According to him, a nuanced understanding of the profound societal implications of AI’s evolution is necessary before going forward with the steps ahead.His quote establishes the need for informed discourse and proactive measures to safeguard against unintended consequences.

                        • “The advent of superintelligent AI would be the last event in human history.” – Nick Bostrom

                        Nick Bostrom’s serious evaluation tries to explain the gravity of the risks posed by AI’s trajectory towards superintelligence.His paramount concern lies in the possibility of AI surpassing human intelligence and acting against human interests, leading to catastrophic outcomes.His views are also a sobering reminder of the critical requirement for interdisciplinary collaboration and foresight in navigating the uncertain terrain of AI development.

                        • “The real risk with AI isn’t malice, but competence.” – Stuart Russell

                        Stuart Russell who is a leading AI researcher reveals incisive observation regarding the hazards raised by AI systems acting with unintended consequences due to their inherent competence.In the book Human Compatible, which he also has co-authored,he discusses the risks of AI systems that could act in ways not intended by their designers,thus, leading to harmful outcomes for humanity.He advocates for the implementation of provably beneficial AI systems and the consideration of ethical principles in AI design and deployment. 

                        • “We’re rapidly headed towards digital superintelligence that far exceeds any human.” – Ray Kurzweil

                        Ray Kurzweil, a prominent futurist and AI expert, holds an optimistic view regarding the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) but acknowledges certain risks.He opines that AI has the capacity to bring forth pioneering changes leading to significant improvements in human life while also recognizing the need for careful management and ethical considerations in AI development to prevent potential dangers.

                        “AI is like a nuclear bomb; it’s capable of great things, but also catastrophic ones.” – Andrew Ng

                        “Now I  become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” These were the words of Oppenheimer when he saw the Atomic Bomb.Andrew Ng’s analogy of AI with this nuclear weapon draws attention to its dual nature as a powerful tool with both ground-breaking potential and inherent risks.By likening AI to a nuclear bomb, Ng emphasizes the urgency of responsible AI stewardship and risk mitigation strategies.

                        • “Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate.” – Vernor Vinge

                        Vernor Vinge’s depiction of AI evolving autonomously exhibits the scope for runaway AI systems that outpace human control and comprehension.He envisions a future where AI surpasses human intelligence,thereby leading to unpredictable and disruptive changes in society.His views portray the responsibility for interdisciplinary collaboration and foresight in AI research and governance.

                        • “The question isn’t whether we should use AI, but how we can ensure its safe and ethical development.” – Demis Hassabis

                        Demis Hassabis who is the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind asserts the transparent and responsible use of AI.He reframes the discourse on AI from a binary question of utility to one of ethics.He has also collaborated with Partnership on AI to explore the societal implications of AI and promote best practices in AI research and deployment.By accentuating the importance of safe and ethical AI development,he focuses on the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and regulatory frameworks.

                        • “We must consider the ethical implications of AI as seriously as we do nuclear weapons.” – Fei-Fei Li

                        In her book,The World’s I see, Li stresses on the fact that the advancement of technology is so rapid that governance models across the world are facing troubles in catching up.A sturdy mechanism must be put into place to ensure that technological revolution is human centric.She also points out that the equitable use of AI is a must for this.It should be a tool to assist every section of society and its benefits should not only talk about the haves but also care for the have-nots.Her views are a clarion call for heightened awareness and proactive measures to address the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI.


                        In conclusion, the insights gleaned from these various thought-provoking quotes offer a multidimensional view on the threats posed by AI.As we go through the complex terrain of AI development, it is crucial to pay heed to these warnings and engage in informed discourse,interdisciplinary collaboration, and ethical reflection to ensure that AI serves the collective interests of humanity.Only through concerted efforts can we harness the transformative potential of AI while mitigating its inherent risks, thereby forging a path towards a future that is equitable, sustainable, and beneficial for all.

                        5 Amazing AI 3D Model Generators You Need to Try

                        Transforming 3D Creation: The world of 3D modeling is experiencing a revolution, all thanks to the emergence of AI-powered 3D model generators. These cutting-edge tools are changing the way professionals and enthusiasts create intricate 3D models. With AI’s help, the process becomes quicker, more effective, and available to those with limited 3D modeling knowledge.

                        Imagine having the power to transform basic sketches or textual descriptions into intricate 3D models with just a few clicks, opening up a world of creative possibilities. These tools allow users to effortlessly and accurately translate their ideas into tangible creations. This article delves into the top AI 3D model generators that are pushing the boundaries of this exciting technology. Let’s get into it!

                        Best 5 AI 3D Model Generators

                        Here are some leading AI 3D model generators that are establishing new standards in the industry through their innovative features and easy-to-use interfaces:

                        Luma AI

                        Luma AI is a platform that empowers users to generate and visualize 3D models based on text, images, or videos. It is especially beneficial for professionals in industries such as architecture, product design, content creation, and research and development. Leveraging neural networks trained on extensive datasets of 3D models, the platform creates realistic textures, lighting effects, materials, and colors.

                        Luma AI’s Features:

                        1. Advanced Image Recognition: Luma AI boasts powerful image recognition technology that accurately identifies objects, scenes, and even emotions.
                        2. Text-to-Speech Conversion: The platform can convert text into natural-sounding speech, ideal for applications like voiceovers, audiobooks, and interactive interfaces.
                        3. Natural Language Processing: Luma AI offers a suite of tools for sentiment analysis, key insights extraction, and automation of language-related tasks.
                        4. 3D Scanning and Modeling: Users can create precise digital models of objects using their smartphone cameras, thanks to Luma AI’s 3D scanning capabilities.
                        5. Photorealistic 3D Models: Luma AI can generate photorealistic 3D models that closely resemble real-world objects.

                        Spline AI

                        Spline AI revolutionizes 3D design by integrating artificial intelligence. Users can swiftly produce objects, animations, and textures through intuitive prompts, streamlining the design process. This tool enables effortless creation and modification of objects, application of materials, and addition of lighting, all within a user-friendly interface.

                        Spline’s Key Features

                        1. Real-time Collaboration: Design and collaborate in 3D with your team in real-time.
                        2. 3D Modeling: Includes parametric objects, polygonal editing, and more.
                        3. Animation: Bring your 3D objects to life with animation tools.
                        4. Interactive Experiences: Add interactivity to your objects for engaging user experiences.
                        5. Material Layers: Fine-tune the appearance of your models with detailed material controls.
                        6. 3D Sculpting: Create organic shapes with sculpting tools.
                        7. Physics: Simulate real-time physics interactions.
                        8. Templates Library: Access a variety of ready-to-use 3D designs and templates.
                        9. Camera Controls: Manage scene composition with advanced camera controls.
                        10. Drag & Drop: Implement 3D drag and drop interactions without coding.
                        11. Video Textures: Apply video textures to your 3D models for dynamic effects.

                        Masterpiece Studio

                        Masterpiece Studio simplifies 3D model creation using Generative AI. It lets users generate, edit, and deploy 3D models easily, making it a powerful tool for creating 3D content. The AI technology can create game-ready 3D objects from text prompts.

                        Features of Masterpiece Studio include:

                        1. Utilization of Generative AI: Masterpiece Studio employs AI to assist in generating and editing 3D models.
                        2. Real-time Rendering: This feature enables immediate visualization of changes.
                        3. User-friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, allowing creators to focus on design.
                        4. VR 3D Creative Suite: A comprehensive set of tools for indie creators to generate, edit, share, and use 3D models.
                        5. AI-powered Text-to-3D Generation: Masterpiece Studio converts descriptive phrases into 3D models using advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology.
                        6. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology: Masterpiece Studio uses NLP technology to understand the meaning of user’s words.
                        7. Generation of Fully Functional 3D Models and Animations: Masterpiece Studio can create fully functional 3D models and animations.


                        NeROIC is an AI-driven tool capable of converting images into 3D models. It can transform a user-approved picture into a 3D representation of the intended message. In addition to its image-to-3D capability, NeROIC can also convert videos into 3D environments. It can generate a fully interactive 3D environment from a single video.

                        NeROIC’s key features include:

                        1. Novel-view Synthesis: It generates new perspectives of an object by incorporating images from various conditions.
                        2. Material Decomposition: The model determines the material characteristics of the object, such as Albedo, Specularity, and Roughness maps.
                        3. Relighting: NeROIC can render objects under different lighting conditions using the generated material properties and geometry.
                        4. Geometry and Camera Pose Optimization: It refines surface geometry and camera parameters through a multi-stage process.
                        5. Robust Normal Estimation: This technique removes geometric noise while preserving essential details.
                        6. Ambient Illumination Capture: NeROIC extracts surface material properties and ambient illumination, represented in spherical harmonics.

                        Bezi AI

                        Bezi AI is a new platform that helps designers work together to create 3D apps and games faster. It uses advanced tools like prototyping and generative AI, and it works on headsets, web, and mobile.

                        Features of Bezi AI include:

                        1. Collaborative Design: Bezi offers a collaborative spatial design platform, allowing teams to work together in real-time or asynchronously.
                        2. Advanced Prototyping: Create advanced prototypes for 3D apps and games with Bezi, leveraging generative AI and composition tools.
                        3. No-Code Tool:  Bezi is a no-code platform, making it accessible for designers without coding expertise to create immersive 3D, AR, and VR experiences.
                        4. Figma Integration: Bezi integrates seamlessly with Figma, enabling you to import models and enhance your design workflow.
                        5. Interactions and Animations: Develop interactions and animations in 3D without any code, using features like State Machine and Timeline.
                        6. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Projects created in Bezi can be experienced on desktop, mobile AR, and VR headsets with no extra setup necessary.
                        7. Real-Time Feedback: Invite collaborators to leave pinned comments in the file, facilitating easier feedback and iteration.

                        How to choose a best AI 3D model

                        Picking the right AI 3D model generator depends on what you need. Here’s a simple guide to help you choose:

                        1. Easy to Use: If you’re new to 3D modeling, look for tools that are easy to understand, with clear instructions.
                        2. Input Method: Some tools use text, while others use images. Choose one that fits how you work.
                        3. Quality: Check the quality of the models. For professional work, you’ll want high-quality, realistic models.
                        4. Customization: Make sure you can adjust the models to suit your needs.
                        5. Speed: Consider how quickly the tool can create models, especially if you need a lot at once.
                        6. Cost: Compare prices. Some tools are free with limited features, while others require a subscription.
                        7. Support: Look for tools with good customer support in case you need help.


                        In the world of digital design, AI 3D model generators are changing how we create and interact with 3D content. These tools use AI to make complex modeling easier and faster for professionals and hobbyists alike.

                        The article “5 Amazing AI 3D Model Generators You Need to Try” features top AI-driven tools for 3D modeling. It explains their unique features and why they’re great for digital creators. It’s a helpful guide for anyone looking to improve their 3D design with AI technology.


                        What are AI 3D model generators?

                        AI 3D model generators are software tools that use artificial intelligence algorithms to create three-dimensional models. These tools can automate and simplify the process of creating 3D models, making it easier for designers and artists to create realistic and detailed 3D objects.

                        How do AI 3D model generators work?

                        AI 3D model generators use machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret 2D images or sketches and convert them into 3D models. These algorithms can identify patterns and shapes in the input data and use that information to generate a 3D representation of the object.

                        What are the benefits of using AI 3D model generators?

                        AI 3D model generators can significantly reduce the time and effort required to create 3D models. They can also help designers explore new design ideas and concepts quickly and easily. Additionally, AI 3D model generators can improve the accuracy and quality of 3D models, making them more realistic and detailed.

                        Are AI 3D model generators easy to use?

                        Many AI 3D model generators are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to both professionals and beginners. They often come with intuitive interfaces and tools that make it easy to create and manipulate 3D models.

                        Can AI 3D model generators be used for commercial purposes?

                        Yes, many AI 3D model generators can be used for commercial purposes. However, it’s essential to review the terms of service and licensing agreements of the specific tool you’re using to ensure compliance with any usage restrictions.

                        Are there any limitations to AI 3D model generators?

                        While AI 3D model generators can be powerful tools, they do have some limitations. For example, they may struggle with complex or abstract concepts and may require some manual refinement to achieve the desired result. Additionally, the quality of the output can vary depending on the input data and the specific AI algorithm used.