Meta AI: Zuckerberg Declares It the ‘Most Intelligent, Freely-Available’ Assistant!

Top of Form

Meta is making big strides in artificial intelligence, with Mark Zuckerberg announcing a slew of upgrades for Meta’s large language model and AI assistant. In a recent Instagram post, Zuckerberg revealed that Meta is focusing on improving its AI capabilities, aiming for ‘multimodality, multi-linguality, and bigger context windows’.

One of the key upgrades is the introduction of Llama 3, Meta’s latest AI model. Llama 3 comes in two sizes, 8B and 70B parameters, and has been integrated into MetaAI, the company’s AI assistant. Additionally, Meta has also released an image generator that updates pictures in real time as users type prompts.

These upgrades are part of Meta’s efforts to compete in the generative AI market, currently dominated by OpenAI. With these advancements, Meta is positioning itself as a major player in the AI space, offering users a more intelligent and versatile AI assistant.

Meta AI is on a mission to redefine the future with its advanced artificial intelligence assistant

Meta is stepping up its game with its virtual assistant, positioning it as a vanguard AI that surpasses its competitors in reasoning, coding, and creative writing. This move puts it in direct competition with Google’s AI models and even the French startup Mistral AI. The upgraded Meta AI assistant will be integrated into Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, and it’s rumored to have its own independent website, putting it head-to-head with OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

During a discussion about Meta AI’s latest advancements, Zuckerberg shared with Patel that the company is introducing a new version called Llama-3. He emphasized that these models are not only open-source for developers but also serve as the backbone of Meta AI. “We believe that Meta AI is now the most intelligent AI assistant available for free,” Zuckerberg remarked. He also revealed that Meta AI will integrate with Google and Bing to provide real-time knowledge.

Exciting New Updates

Mark Zuckerberg recently shared exciting updates from Meta AI, highlighting how they’re making AI more accessible across their apps. He mentioned that on Facebook and Messenger, users will soon be able to use the search box to ask any question, making information more accessible.

Zuckerberg also discussed new creation features, like animation, which allows users to animate any image easily. What’s impressive is that these features generate high-quality images quickly, even updating them in real-time as you type.

Speaking about Llama 3, Meta AI’s latest AI model, Zuckerberg explained that they have been training three versions: an 8 billion parameter model, a 70 billion model, and a 405 billion dense model, which is still in training. He highlighted that their 8 billion model is almost as powerful as the largest version of Llama-2 previously released. Additionally, Meta AI is also releasing its 82MMLU, boasting leading scores in mathematics and reasoning.

Zuckerberg emphasized that pursuing artificial general intelligence (AGI) has been a significant focus for Meta for quite some time. He noted that Meta established the Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) group a decade ago, which has since led to numerous advancements benefiting all their products. Recent years have seen notable breakthroughs like ChatGPT and advanced image generation models. To capitalize on these advancements, Meta launched the Gen AI group, aiming to integrate these technologies into their products and develop foundational models to enhance their offerings.

Meta’s AI models and coding structures

In a surprising move away from the current trend, Meta AI’s approach to AI models stands out. According to Zuckerberg, coding wasn’t a top priority during the development of Llama 2. He noted that users weren’t likely to ask Meta AI coding-related questions on WhatsApp. However, he acknowledged the shift in the last 18 months, with coding becoming crucial in various domains. Zuckerberg highlighted that even if users don’t ask coding questions, training the models on coding improves their ability to provide thorough answers and reason across different domains.

When asked about the future of AI and its potential to replace programmers, Zuckerberg emphasized a gradual evolution. He noted that the advancements being made will unfold progressively over time. “I’m not sure that we’re replacing people as much as we’re giving people tools to do more stuff,” he remarked.

Regarding the risks associated with open-sourcing powerful AI models, Zuckerberg affirmed Meta’s pro-open-source stance. However, he clarified that not everything they develop will necessarily be released to the public. “I’m basically very inclined to think that open-sourcing is going to be good for the community and also good for us because we’ll benefit from the innovations,” he explained. Yet, he added a caveat: “If at some point, however, there’s some qualitative change in what the thing is capable of, and we feel like it’s not responsible to open source it, then we won’t.”


Is Meta committed to open-sourcing AI?

Yes, Meta is very pro-open-source. However, they reserve the right to withhold certain developments if they deem it irresponsible to release them.

What is the future of AI at Meta?

Meta’s AI, including the latest Llama 3, is poised to advance progressively over time, offering users increasingly powerful and intelligent assistance.

AI Girlfriends Win Over Users, Leaving Behind Dating Apps

The Buzz

In today’s digital age, our concept of companionship is undergoing a profound transformation. Gone are the days of solely relying on traditional dating apps for connection. Instead, people are turning to AI girlfriends—virtual companions meticulously crafted to understand and cater to individual preferences.

This paradigm shift, as emphasized by tech visionary Greg Isenberg, signifies a move toward more designed to user and interactive relationships with AI, introducing a new level of comfort and closeness.

As we grapple with the complexities of modern relationships, the rise of AI girlfriends presents a lucrative opportunity, echoing the success of Match Group’s dating apps. Consider the case of a 24-year-old who spends an astonishing $10,000 monthly on AI chatbots. This trend signals a market ripe for innovation.

Platforms like Candy AI and Kupid AI offer immersive and personalized experiences, allowing users to fine-tune their virtual partners’ preferences, from likes and dislikes to engaging in more intimate conversations. The allure of AI companionship is undeniable, offering a glimpse into the future of human-technology interaction.

Unlike dating apps where interactions are limited by the unpredictable nature of real people, AI companions offer a personalized experience tailored to your preferences.

With AI girlfriends, users can create virtual partners with specific likes, dislikes, and behaviors, making the experience feel more personal and engaging. These virtual companions are designed to be understanding and comforting, offering a consistent and responsive partner experience.

Programmed to listen, respond, and engage, AI girlfriends can mimic the emotional support one seeks in a human partner, making them particularly appealing for those with social anxiety or negative dating experiences.

Moreover, AI girlfriends are available 24/7, offering companionship whenever you need it without scheduling conflicts. This constant availability can be a source of comfort for those seeking immediate interaction and relief from loneliness.

As AI technology evolves, the boundary between virtual and real companionship blurs. AI girlfriends like Candy AI and Kupid AI are gaining popularity, despite privacy concerns. Some users are even willing to invest heavily in these digital relationships.

The AI companions’ market is projected to expand, potentially rivaling traditional dating platforms. This poses a challenge to apps like Tinder and Bumble. The surge in AI girlfriends prompts questions about the future of human connections and the role of technology in fulfilling emotional needs.

While some see AI companionship as a remedy for loneliness, others view it as a shift away from genuine human interaction. Yet, it’s evident that AI companions are carving their own space in the dating world, offering an appealing alternative to the uncertainties of human relationships.


What are AI girlfriends?

AI girlfriends are virtual companions created using artificial intelligence technology. They are designed to interact with users, provide companionship, and simulate a relationship experience.

How do AI girlfriends differ from traditional dating apps?

AI girlfriends offer a more personalized and interactive experience compared to traditional dating apps. They are designed to learn from user interactions and adapt their behavior over time, aiming to provide a deeper sense of connection.

What are some popular AI girlfriend apps?

Some popular AI girlfriend apps include Candy AI and Kupid AI. These apps offer various features such as conversation, virtual activities, and emotional support.

Are there privacy risks associated with AI girlfriends?

Yes, there are privacy risks associated with AI girlfriends. Users are often required to share personal information and data with these apps, which could be used for targeted advertising or other purposes.

Why are some users choosing AI girlfriends over traditional dating apps?

Some users find AI girlfriends appealing due to the personalized and consistent companionship they offer. Additionally, AI girlfriends can be available 24/7, providing a sense of companionship that may be lacking in traditional dating apps.

How is the market for AI companions expected to grow?

The market for AI companions is predicted to grow as technology advances and more users seek alternative forms of companionship. It is projected to potentially rival the success of traditional dating platforms.

What does the rise of AI girlfriends suggest about the future of human relationships?

The rise of AI girlfriends raises questions about the future of human relationships and the role technology will play in fulfilling emotional needs. It suggests that some individuals may prefer the predictability and convenience of AI companionship over traditional human interaction.

Is AI companionship seen as a solution to loneliness?

Some individuals view AI companionship as a solution to loneliness, as it provides a constant and reliable source of companionship. However, others argue that it may contribute to further isolation from genuine human connections.

How do AI girlfriends impact the dating app industry?

The rise of AI girlfriends presents a challenge to traditional dating apps, as it offers users an alternative form of companionship that is more personalized and consistent. This could lead to changes in how dating apps innovate and compete in the market.

What are the future prospects for AI companionship?

The future of AI companionship is uncertain, but it is clear that it is carving out its own niche in the world of dating and relationships. As technology continues to advance, AI companions may become more sophisticated and offer even more personalized experiences for users.

10 Thought-Provoking Quotes on Risks of AI 

“I’d heard that if you accessed the simulation with a new state-of-the-art immersion rig, it was almost impossible to tell the OASIS from reality.” This quote from the iconic Spielberg movie READY PLAYER ONE sums up the existing reality of Artificial Intelligence. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings both promise and peril. Its rapid advancement raises concerns about job displacement, ethical dilemmas, and existential risks. In contemporary times, the arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a proof to humanity’s ingenuity and ambition. Yet, amidst the promises of innovation and progress, a discernible undercurrent of apprehension permeates discussions surrounding AI’s proliferation. Herein lies the impetus for a meticulous examination of the threats posed by AI, elucidated through the insights encapsulated in ten thought-provoking quotes from esteemed voices in academia, industry, and philosophy.

Here are 10 quotes on dangers of AI

  • “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” – Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking’s dire warning serves as a reminder of the existential peril inherent in the pursuit of AI that surpasses human intelligence. Highlighting rapid growth, he stressed the necessity of regulation to make sure that there is an alignment of AI with human values. His stance advocated for careful monitoring and ethical frameworks to capture AI’s benefits while mitigating risks to humanity.

  • “With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.” – Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s evocative metaphor demonstrates the risks associated with AI’s unbridled advancement.By likening AI to a potent force that could possibly spiral out of control,he highlights the necessity for robust ethical frameworks and regulatory oversight to mitigate potential harms.Guidelines to ensure the status quo of society’s norms is also one of his primary agendas while discussing the progress of AI.

  • “I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence.” – Bill Gates

Rather than just being apprehensive, Bill Gates signals towards keeping a cautious optimism when it comes to  the emergence of superintelligent AI systems.According to him, a nuanced understanding of the profound societal implications of AI’s evolution is necessary before going forward with the steps ahead.His quote establishes the need for informed discourse and proactive measures to safeguard against unintended consequences.

  • “The advent of superintelligent AI would be the last event in human history.” – Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom’s serious evaluation tries to explain the gravity of the risks posed by AI’s trajectory towards superintelligence.His paramount concern lies in the possibility of AI surpassing human intelligence and acting against human interests, leading to catastrophic outcomes.His views are also a sobering reminder of the critical requirement for interdisciplinary collaboration and foresight in navigating the uncertain terrain of AI development.

  • “The real risk with AI isn’t malice, but competence.” – Stuart Russell

Stuart Russell who is a leading AI researcher reveals incisive observation regarding the hazards raised by AI systems acting with unintended consequences due to their inherent competence.In the book Human Compatible, which he also has co-authored,he discusses the risks of AI systems that could act in ways not intended by their designers,thus, leading to harmful outcomes for humanity.He advocates for the implementation of provably beneficial AI systems and the consideration of ethical principles in AI design and deployment. 

  • “We’re rapidly headed towards digital superintelligence that far exceeds any human.” – Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil, a prominent futurist and AI expert, holds an optimistic view regarding the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) but acknowledges certain risks.He opines that AI has the capacity to bring forth pioneering changes leading to significant improvements in human life while also recognizing the need for careful management and ethical considerations in AI development to prevent potential dangers.

“AI is like a nuclear bomb; it’s capable of great things, but also catastrophic ones.” – Andrew Ng

“Now I  become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” These were the words of Oppenheimer when he saw the Atomic Bomb.Andrew Ng’s analogy of AI with this nuclear weapon draws attention to its dual nature as a powerful tool with both ground-breaking potential and inherent risks.By likening AI to a nuclear bomb, Ng emphasizes the urgency of responsible AI stewardship and risk mitigation strategies.

  • “Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate.” – Vernor Vinge

Vernor Vinge’s depiction of AI evolving autonomously exhibits the scope for runaway AI systems that outpace human control and comprehension.He envisions a future where AI surpasses human intelligence,thereby leading to unpredictable and disruptive changes in society.His views portray the responsibility for interdisciplinary collaboration and foresight in AI research and governance.

  • “The question isn’t whether we should use AI, but how we can ensure its safe and ethical development.” – Demis Hassabis

Demis Hassabis who is the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind asserts the transparent and responsible use of AI.He reframes the discourse on AI from a binary question of utility to one of ethics.He has also collaborated with Partnership on AI to explore the societal implications of AI and promote best practices in AI research and deployment.By accentuating the importance of safe and ethical AI development,he focuses on the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and regulatory frameworks.

  • “We must consider the ethical implications of AI as seriously as we do nuclear weapons.” – Fei-Fei Li

In her book,The World’s I see, Li stresses on the fact that the advancement of technology is so rapid that governance models across the world are facing troubles in catching up.A sturdy mechanism must be put into place to ensure that technological revolution is human centric.She also points out that the equitable use of AI is a must for this.It should be a tool to assist every section of society and its benefits should not only talk about the haves but also care for the have-nots.Her views are a clarion call for heightened awareness and proactive measures to address the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI.


In conclusion, the insights gleaned from these various thought-provoking quotes offer a multidimensional view on the threats posed by AI.As we go through the complex terrain of AI development, it is crucial to pay heed to these warnings and engage in informed discourse,interdisciplinary collaboration, and ethical reflection to ensure that AI serves the collective interests of humanity.Only through concerted efforts can we harness the transformative potential of AI while mitigating its inherent risks, thereby forging a path towards a future that is equitable, sustainable, and beneficial for all.

5 Amazing AI 3D Model Generators You Need to Try

Transforming 3D Creation: The world of 3D modeling is experiencing a revolution, all thanks to the emergence of AI-powered 3D model generators. These cutting-edge tools are changing the way professionals and enthusiasts create intricate 3D models. With AI’s help, the process becomes quicker, more effective, and available to those with limited 3D modeling knowledge.

Imagine having the power to transform basic sketches or textual descriptions into intricate 3D models with just a few clicks, opening up a world of creative possibilities. These tools allow users to effortlessly and accurately translate their ideas into tangible creations. This article delves into the top AI 3D model generators that are pushing the boundaries of this exciting technology. Let’s get into it!

Best 5 AI 3D Model Generators

Here are some leading AI 3D model generators that are establishing new standards in the industry through their innovative features and easy-to-use interfaces:

Luma AI

Luma AI is a platform that empowers users to generate and visualize 3D models based on text, images, or videos. It is especially beneficial for professionals in industries such as architecture, product design, content creation, and research and development. Leveraging neural networks trained on extensive datasets of 3D models, the platform creates realistic textures, lighting effects, materials, and colors.

Luma AI’s Features:

  1. Advanced Image Recognition: Luma AI boasts powerful image recognition technology that accurately identifies objects, scenes, and even emotions.
  2. Text-to-Speech Conversion: The platform can convert text into natural-sounding speech, ideal for applications like voiceovers, audiobooks, and interactive interfaces.
  3. Natural Language Processing: Luma AI offers a suite of tools for sentiment analysis, key insights extraction, and automation of language-related tasks.
  4. 3D Scanning and Modeling: Users can create precise digital models of objects using their smartphone cameras, thanks to Luma AI’s 3D scanning capabilities.
  5. Photorealistic 3D Models: Luma AI can generate photorealistic 3D models that closely resemble real-world objects.

Spline AI

Spline AI revolutionizes 3D design by integrating artificial intelligence. Users can swiftly produce objects, animations, and textures through intuitive prompts, streamlining the design process. This tool enables effortless creation and modification of objects, application of materials, and addition of lighting, all within a user-friendly interface.

Spline’s Key Features

  1. Real-time Collaboration: Design and collaborate in 3D with your team in real-time.
  2. 3D Modeling: Includes parametric objects, polygonal editing, and more.
  3. Animation: Bring your 3D objects to life with animation tools.
  4. Interactive Experiences: Add interactivity to your objects for engaging user experiences.
  5. Material Layers: Fine-tune the appearance of your models with detailed material controls.
  6. 3D Sculpting: Create organic shapes with sculpting tools.
  7. Physics: Simulate real-time physics interactions.
  8. Templates Library: Access a variety of ready-to-use 3D designs and templates.
  9. Camera Controls: Manage scene composition with advanced camera controls.
  10. Drag & Drop: Implement 3D drag and drop interactions without coding.
  11. Video Textures: Apply video textures to your 3D models for dynamic effects.

Masterpiece Studio

Masterpiece Studio simplifies 3D model creation using Generative AI. It lets users generate, edit, and deploy 3D models easily, making it a powerful tool for creating 3D content. The AI technology can create game-ready 3D objects from text prompts.

Features of Masterpiece Studio include:

  1. Utilization of Generative AI: Masterpiece Studio employs AI to assist in generating and editing 3D models.
  2. Real-time Rendering: This feature enables immediate visualization of changes.
  3. User-friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, allowing creators to focus on design.
  4. VR 3D Creative Suite: A comprehensive set of tools for indie creators to generate, edit, share, and use 3D models.
  5. AI-powered Text-to-3D Generation: Masterpiece Studio converts descriptive phrases into 3D models using advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology.
  6. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology: Masterpiece Studio uses NLP technology to understand the meaning of user’s words.
  7. Generation of Fully Functional 3D Models and Animations: Masterpiece Studio can create fully functional 3D models and animations.


NeROIC is an AI-driven tool capable of converting images into 3D models. It can transform a user-approved picture into a 3D representation of the intended message. In addition to its image-to-3D capability, NeROIC can also convert videos into 3D environments. It can generate a fully interactive 3D environment from a single video.

NeROIC’s key features include:

  1. Novel-view Synthesis: It generates new perspectives of an object by incorporating images from various conditions.
  2. Material Decomposition: The model determines the material characteristics of the object, such as Albedo, Specularity, and Roughness maps.
  3. Relighting: NeROIC can render objects under different lighting conditions using the generated material properties and geometry.
  4. Geometry and Camera Pose Optimization: It refines surface geometry and camera parameters through a multi-stage process.
  5. Robust Normal Estimation: This technique removes geometric noise while preserving essential details.
  6. Ambient Illumination Capture: NeROIC extracts surface material properties and ambient illumination, represented in spherical harmonics.

Bezi AI

Bezi AI is a new platform that helps designers work together to create 3D apps and games faster. It uses advanced tools like prototyping and generative AI, and it works on headsets, web, and mobile.

Features of Bezi AI include:

  1. Collaborative Design: Bezi offers a collaborative spatial design platform, allowing teams to work together in real-time or asynchronously.
  2. Advanced Prototyping: Create advanced prototypes for 3D apps and games with Bezi, leveraging generative AI and composition tools.
  3. No-Code Tool:  Bezi is a no-code platform, making it accessible for designers without coding expertise to create immersive 3D, AR, and VR experiences.
  4. Figma Integration: Bezi integrates seamlessly with Figma, enabling you to import models and enhance your design workflow.
  5. Interactions and Animations: Develop interactions and animations in 3D without any code, using features like State Machine and Timeline.
  6. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Projects created in Bezi can be experienced on desktop, mobile AR, and VR headsets with no extra setup necessary.
  7. Real-Time Feedback: Invite collaborators to leave pinned comments in the file, facilitating easier feedback and iteration.

How to choose a best AI 3D model

Picking the right AI 3D model generator depends on what you need. Here’s a simple guide to help you choose:

  1. Easy to Use: If you’re new to 3D modeling, look for tools that are easy to understand, with clear instructions.
  2. Input Method: Some tools use text, while others use images. Choose one that fits how you work.
  3. Quality: Check the quality of the models. For professional work, you’ll want high-quality, realistic models.
  4. Customization: Make sure you can adjust the models to suit your needs.
  5. Speed: Consider how quickly the tool can create models, especially if you need a lot at once.
  6. Cost: Compare prices. Some tools are free with limited features, while others require a subscription.
  7. Support: Look for tools with good customer support in case you need help.


In the world of digital design, AI 3D model generators are changing how we create and interact with 3D content. These tools use AI to make complex modeling easier and faster for professionals and hobbyists alike.

The article “5 Amazing AI 3D Model Generators You Need to Try” features top AI-driven tools for 3D modeling. It explains their unique features and why they’re great for digital creators. It’s a helpful guide for anyone looking to improve their 3D design with AI technology.


What are AI 3D model generators?

AI 3D model generators are software tools that use artificial intelligence algorithms to create three-dimensional models. These tools can automate and simplify the process of creating 3D models, making it easier for designers and artists to create realistic and detailed 3D objects.

How do AI 3D model generators work?

AI 3D model generators use machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret 2D images or sketches and convert them into 3D models. These algorithms can identify patterns and shapes in the input data and use that information to generate a 3D representation of the object.

What are the benefits of using AI 3D model generators?

AI 3D model generators can significantly reduce the time and effort required to create 3D models. They can also help designers explore new design ideas and concepts quickly and easily. Additionally, AI 3D model generators can improve the accuracy and quality of 3D models, making them more realistic and detailed.

Are AI 3D model generators easy to use?

Many AI 3D model generators are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to both professionals and beginners. They often come with intuitive interfaces and tools that make it easy to create and manipulate 3D models.

Can AI 3D model generators be used for commercial purposes?

Yes, many AI 3D model generators can be used for commercial purposes. However, it’s essential to review the terms of service and licensing agreements of the specific tool you’re using to ensure compliance with any usage restrictions.

Are there any limitations to AI 3D model generators?

While AI 3D model generators can be powerful tools, they do have some limitations. For example, they may struggle with complex or abstract concepts and may require some manual refinement to achieve the desired result. Additionally, the quality of the output can vary depending on the input data and the specific AI algorithm used.

What is an AI PC? Hype or Revolution?

AI PCs, or Artificial Intelligence Personal Computers, are at the forefront of today’s tech revolution. These powerhouse machines are packed with intelligent AI features that are changing the way we interact with technology. From virtual assistants that anticipate your needs to automatic data analysis that simplifies complex tasks, AI PCs are designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your overall user experience. With AI PCs, the future of tech is now, and it’s more accessible and intuitive than ever before.

Amidst all the buzz and excitement surrounding AI PCs, it’s natural to wonder if they truly live up to the hype. In this article, we take a deep dive into the realm of AI-powered computers, uncovering their potential advantages, real-world applications, and whether they’re a smart investment for both tech enthusiasts and professionals.

What is an AI PC?

Imagine a computer that’s not just smart but downright brilliant, thanks to its secret weapon: a Neural Processing Unit (NPU). This specialized hardware turbocharges the machine’s ability to tackle AI and machine learning tasks with lightning speed, all without constantly phoning home to the cloud for help.

When this NPU joins forces with the CPU and GPU, magic happens. They work together in perfect harmony, optimizing the system to run complex AI algorithms and applications like a well-oiled machine.

The concept of an AI PC is like a technological chameleon, constantly adapting and evolving as different tech companies put their own spin on it. But at its core, it’s all about creating a computer that can handle AI tasks like a champ, potentially boosting productivity and unlocking new possibilities along the way.


Experience the future of computing with AI PCs! These modern tech personal computers are revolutionizing the way we work and play, thanks to their powerful artificial intelligence capabilities. Here’s what sets them apart:

  • Neural Processing Units (NPUs): These specialized processors are like turbochargers for your CPU, dedicated to handling complex AI tasks with lightning speed. They’re perfect for running advanced algorithms and large language models, making your AI-powered applications run smoother and faster than ever before.
  • AI-Optimized Hardware: AI PCs come packed with top-of-the-line CPUs and GPUs that are finely tuned for AI workloads. This means you’ll experience improved performance and responsiveness, whether you’re gaming, creating, or crunching numbers.
  • AI-Enhanced Software Features: Get ready for a whole new level of convenience and creativity! AI PCs boast intelligent software features like AI auto-framing for video calls, smart photo and video editing tools, and AI-powered virtual assistants that can help you stay organized and productive.
  • Energy Efficiency: Despite their incredible power, AI PCs are designed to be energy-efficient. They come equipped with intelligent battery management systems that optimize power usage for AI tasks, so you can enjoy longer battery life without sacrificing performance.

What is an NPU?

An NPU, short for Neural Processing Unit, is like the superhero of processors, specially crafted to turbocharge neural network operations and AI tasks. Unlike regular CPUs (Central Processing Units) and GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), NPUs are laser-focused on data-driven parallel computing. This means they’re super-efficient at crunching through huge chunks of multimedia data, like videos and images. They also excel at handling AI-related tasks, such as recognizing speech, blurring backgrounds in video calls, and editing photos or videos by detecting objects.

They are like the brainy wizards of the tech world, capable of either being the star of the show in a standalone setup or seamlessly blending into a larger System on Chip (SoC). These clever chips excel at handling the intricate math that powers neural networks, making them indispensable for supercharging AI tasks. As the demand for cutting-edge AI applications skyrockets, NPUs are stepping into the spotlight, playing a pivotal role in the brains of today’s most advanced computing devices.

What are Some Popular Devices that use NPUs?

NPUs, or Neural Processing Units, are the secret sauce behind the smart revolution in tech gadgets. These tiny powerhouses are like the brainy sidekicks that give devices their AI superpowers. Here’s a peek into the world of NPUs and where you can find them:

  • PCs and Laptops: Your trusty computer buddies have gotten a whole lot smarter thanks to NPUs. Companies like Intel, AMD, and Apple have made sure of that. Take Intel’s Core Ultra processors or AMD’s Ryzen 8040-series laptop processors, for example. They’ve got NPUs snuggled up alongside CPUs and GPUs, making sure your machine can handle AI tasks like a champ.
  • Smartphones: Ever wondered how your smartphone takes such stunning photos or lasts so long on a single charge? You can thank NPUs for that. They’re the secret sauce in smartphones, especially in devices powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon SoCs. These chips, like the Hexagon DSP, are the magic wands that make your Android phone smarter than your average gadget.
  • Other Devices: But wait, there’s more! NPUs aren’t just limited to PCs and phones. They’re branching out into other devices too. TVs, cameras, and even appliances are getting a taste of AI-driven features, all thanks to NPUs. Imagine your TV suggesting the perfect show based on your mood, or your camera capturing the perfect shot without you lifting a finger. It’s all possible with NPUs in the mix.

How does an NPU differ from a GPU?

An NPU (Neural Processing Unit) and a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) are both specialized processors, but they are optimized for different types of tasks:

Design PurposeAccelerating neural network operations and AI tasksRendering complex imagery and handling tasks like video editing and gaming
OptimizationData-driven parallel computing for AI tasksParallel computing capabilities for graphics and more
IntegrationCan be integrated into the main CPU or exist as a discrete processorUsually a discrete processor, but also integrated in some CPUs
Task HandlingEfficient at small, repetitive AI tasksCapable of larger and new tasks, including machine learning with special circuits

Benefits of AI PC

Introducing AI PC, the future of personal computing! AI PC, short for Artificial Intelligence Personal Computers, are revolutionizing the way we work and play, offering a host of benefits that harness the power of AI. Let’s dive into some of the key advantages:

  • Enhanced AI Task Performance: Equipped with specialized NPUs (Neural Processing Units), AI PCs can handle AI and machine learning tasks with blazing speed and efficiency, leaving traditional PCs in the dust.
  • AI-Enhanced Features: Say goodbye to bland video calls! AI PCs come packed with features like AI auto-framing, background blur, and eyesight correction, ensuring you look your best in every virtual meeting.
  • Intelligent Battery Management: Running low on power? Not a problem for AI PCs! These devices excel at optimizing power usage, making them perfect companions for on-the-go productivity.
  • Improved Creativity and Productivity: Need a creative spark? AI PCs have your back! Whether you’re into photo editing, video production, coding, or writing, AI algorithms can supercharge your workflow, making you more productive than ever before.
  • AI-Based Security Features: Security is paramount, and AI PCs deliver. Advanced security features powered by AI provide robust protection against cyber threats, keeping your data safe and secure.
  • Local Processing: Concerned about privacy? AI PCs can process AI tasks locally, reducing reliance on cloud computing and enhancing security and privacy for users.


An AI PC is like a supercharged computer with a special brain called a Neural Processing Unit (NPU) inside its CPU. This brain is really good at handling AI tasks much faster than regular CPU cores.

These NPUs work together with the CPU and GPU to make the computer run better, especially for things like big language models or complicated algorithms.

But right now, even though AI PCs are cool and have some new features, they’re not totally mind-blowing yet. The real game-changer will come when we have new apps and software that can really make use of all the power these AI CPUs have to offer.


How does an AI PC differ from a regular PC?

An AI PC, or Artificial Intelligence Personal Computer, is a computer equipped with a Neural Processing Unit (NPU) within the CPU. This NPU is designed to handle AI-related tasks more efficiently than traditional CPU cores, making the AI PC ideal for running large language models or complex algorithms.

Can AI PCs Run Without an Internet Connection?

Yes, AI PCs can operate independently of an internet connection for many tasks. The inclusion of an NPU allows them to process data locally, enhancing security by retaining sensitive data on the device.

Are AI PCs worth the hype?

While AI PCs offer innovative features and capabilities, their worth depends on the user’s specific needs and the types of tasks they intend to perform.

Can AI PCs perform tasks that regular PCs cannot?

Yes, AI PCs can handle complex AI tasks more efficiently, such as real-time language translation and advanced data analysis.

Happy Vishu 2024: 20+ Wishes, Messages and Quotes to share with your family and friends

India can be synonymously called the land of festivals. Being a diverse country, people from many languages, religions, and cultures live harmoniously with each other. Among many festivals celebrated by the Malayalis, Vishu is an important festival in the state of Kerala.

Vishu, also known as the Kerala New Year is the festival of prosperity and light. This festival is the second most important festival after Onam. This year Vishu is on the 15th of April. This festival is enthusiastically celebrated among people as it is believed that on this day, Lord Krishna killed the demon Narkasur and warded off evil.

On the day of Vishu, people eat a special meal called ‘Sadhya’ and also practice a ritual known as ‘Vishu Kani’. In this ritual, people prepare a display of flowers, fruits, rice, gold coins, sacred books, etc. and place it in front of the temple or idols of god. The female members of the family prepare this and after having a bath, light a traditional oil lamp. Everyone begins their day by watching this sight and then offers their prayers to Lord Vishnu in the form of Lord Krishna.

Some people also light firecrackers and wish each other Happy Vishu! To help you wish your friends, family, and relatives happiness and prosperity on this auspicious day, here are 25 Happy Vishu messages, quotes, and greetings that you can share with each other.

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  1. Let this Vishu give you the strength to do all that you dreamed to do last year but didn’t dare to do. Happy Vishu to your and your family.
  2. May this Vishu be a day of new beginnings in every way. Happy Vishu 2022!
  3. Let us celebrate the advent of a beautiful new year filled with fresh hopes and joy. Wishing everyone a very happy Vishu.
  4. As you see the Vishukani, let your heart and soul invite the future with new zeal and forget all bitterness of the past. Happy Vishu to all of you!
  5. Hope you get blessed with unending happiness and the love of your close ones. Wish you a brilliant Vishu! Spring is here to fill your life with brilliance and abundance.
  6. On the occasion of Vishu, I wish that we are empowered with the strength to make our dreams come true. Warm wishes on Vishu to all.
  7. God created the world on this day for his followers. May on this day you find new hope and happiness in your heart to make your life beautiful! Happy Vishu Kani!
  8. Vishu promises a new beginning and a fresh start. May this Vishu also bring new hopes to your life!
  9. Warm wishes on the occasion of Vishu to you. May this auspicious occasion mark the beginning of another beautiful and blessed year for you.
  10. As you light the auspicious lamp on Vishu… May your world be filled with the bright rays of happiness, joy and prosperity! Happy Vishu! 

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  1. Love, peace, hope and joy all year through. These are my special Vishu wishes for you. Happy Vishu to you and your family.
  2. May this Vishu be a day of new beginnings in every way, and be as special as you. Happy Vishu!
  3. Have an auspicious beginning and a beautiful year ahead—happy Vishu to you and everyone else at home.
  4. Happy Vishu. May this year be full of incredible moments and delightful things for you and your loved ones to enjoy and celebrate.
  5. Take your journey of success to a new height. Our blessings are there that god shower best his wishes over you. Happy Vishu!
  6. May your days ahead be full of pleasant surprises that keep you cheerful all through. Happy Vishu!
  7. Start a new life this Vishu. Let’s try to become better people and live our lives to the fullest. Happy Vishu!
  8. May this Vishu bring lots of happiness and abundance into your lives. Wishing you a very happy Vishu!
  9. Let the happy moments be your inspiration in life throughout the year. Happy Vishu!
  10. This Vishu year, Sun radiate your life of pleasant dreams, wonderful hopes come to your feet.
  11. May this new year be a bountiful year of happiness, peace, prosperity, and satisfaction. Happy Vishu!
  12. Hope this Vishu brings the happiness that you have always wished for and makes all your dreams come true! Happy Vishu!
  13. May Lord Krishna shower his blessings on you and fill your life with new hopes and endless joy! Happy Vishu!
  14. This Vishu, may you be blessed with love, prosperity and good fortune! Happy Vishu!
  15. Good health and wealth are the things that I wish you get this year! Happy Vishu!

May you celebrate this Vishu with your loved ones and wish that they have a prosperous year ahead. With these Happy Vishu quotes and messages, you can add a personal touch to your wishes and send them to relatives who are away from you through social media as well.

17 AI Video Generators and Editing Tools for Productivity

AI-powered tools have made significant contributions in all the upcoming spheres of content creation in recent times and video generation has also not remained untouched. Even beginners in the field of video creation can now produce eye-catching content with the assistance of these mind-blowing tools. With these innovative solutions at your fingertips, tasks that once consumed precious hours—like editing, generating, transcribing, and repurposing raw footage—can now be completed in mere minutes. Let’s discuss some of the most popular AI video generators and editing tools to mesmerize your clients and wow them with your creativity.

How do these AI tools work?

These AI tools, no matter how magical they seem, actually run-on smart algorithms and use machine learning technology to answer your questions and perform operations based on the prompts you give and the instructions you provide to them.

Our Top Choices

1. Simplified

Price: Free: $0/month, Pro: $19/month, Business: $29/month

The arrival of Simplified AI video generators has brought a new era in content creation, particularly within the sphere of video editing. This innovative tool presents a departure from conventional tools, offering users a medium for refining and enhancing their visual narratives. Through its intuitive interface, creators are empowered to trim lengthy footage into a variety of polished, AI-enhanced clips. Notably, Simplified’s AI Magic Resizer feature stands as a testament to its versatility, facilitating effortless adaptation across various social media platforms. Moreover, with an extensive array of presets including renowned effects like Ken Burns and Stop Motion, Simplified redefines the parameters of professional-grade editing, rendering complex software obsolete. This tool is a boon for creators aiming to elevate their content with a professional touch, without getting bogged down in complex editing software.

Pros: user-friendly interface, multilingual translation capabilities

Cons: limitations on the free plan, better customer assistance for the team

2. In Video

Price: Free: $0/month, Business: $30/month, and Unlimited: $60/month

InVideo stands out as a unique video generator that utilizes the script provided by the user to craft a personalized video. Contrary to conventional AI video tools, InVideo adopts a distinctive approach. Rather than generating an entire video solely from the text input, it integrates stock images and subtitles, laying the groundwork for a tailored creation. It’s worth noting that while InVideo’s output serves as a solid starting point, refinement may be necessary to achieve a polished final product before publication.

Pros:5000+ premade video templates, intuitive interface, and navigation

Cons: Limited customization capabilities

3. Synthesia

Price:Personal: $22.50/month and custom plan for enterprise.

Synthesia is a video creation software, which empowers users to craft engaging content using customizable avatars. With an enviably diverse library of premade video templates and avatars, it offers extensive customization options. Moreover, with access to over 120 AI voices, users are presented with a plethora of choices to suit their preferences. Widely regarded as one of the top AI video editors, Synthesia provides the perfect solution for those venturing into video marketing who may be hesitant to appear on camera. It effectively bridges the gap, enabling users to create compelling content while maintaining anonymity.

Pros: Premade video templates for various use cases

Cons: Limited avatar customization can restrict the creativity of your videos.

4. D-ID

Price:14-days free trial, Lite: $5.99/month, Pro: $49.99/month, Advanced: $299/month, and custom plan for the enterprise.

D-ID harnesses the power of generative AI to revamp video creation and avatar customization. With this innovative tool, users have the flexibility to generate videos either from pre-written scripts or based on prompts, offering a plethora of creative options. When it comes to avatars, D-ID offers three distinct methods: selecting from a range of premade options, uploading a facial image for personalized avatars, or utilizing the Stable Diffusion-powered text-to-image portrait generator. This versatile approach caters to diverse user preferences, making D-ID a standout choice among AI video-generating tools.

Pros: supports more than 119 languages with a variety of accents and styles, in-built prompt suggestion features

Cons: Can create up to 5 min. Long video using D-ID Creative Reality Studio 

5. Guidde

Price:Free: $0/month, Pro: $16/month, Business: $35/month, and custom plan for enterprises.

The guide offers a convenient solution with its free Chrome extension, enabling users to generate video documentation for various purposes such as feature updates and product demos with ultimate ease. By simply navigating through the browser, Guidde instantly creates a comprehensive video walkthrough that can be shared with prospects or customers. Additionally, users have the option to incorporate voices in over 100 different languages, enhancing accessibility and user experience. This innovative tool facilitates the process of creating informative video content, catering to diverse needs within the tech community.

Pros: easy to use, free Chrome extension, embeddable and shareable video links

Cons: limited editing capabilities

6. AI Studios

Price:Starter: $30/month, Pro: $225/month

AI Studios comes across as a powerhouse platform, providing users the ability to seamlessly produce captivating videos with the least effort. With a vast library featuring over 100 customizable video templates, it harnesses the power of AI to streamline productivity. Notably, AI Studios facilitates seamless content elucidation by enabling the integration of virtual presenters into videos. Moreover, the AI Studios video creator—a key aspect—offers access to a diverse array of over 80 AI avatars, ranging across different styles and attire. This multifaceted tool redefines the world of video creation, serving the evolving needs of content creators with finesse.

Pros:time-efficient and cost-efficient, realistic, diverse avatars and AI voices

Cons: Cap on the number of videos that can be generated per month at a maximum

7. Fliki

Price:Free: $0/month, Basic: $8/month, Standard: $28/month, and Premium: $88/month.

Fliki is a user-friendly tool for creating captivating videos by entering text scripts. It offers a variety of AI voices in multiple languages. It is an innovative AI-powered media creation suite crafted by the same minds behind Rytr AI. With Fliki, you can craft high-quality audio and video content, leveraging advanced generative AI techniques that seamlessly transform your text into captivating videos, voiceovers, and beyond.

Pros: Cost-effective, wide variety of AI voices, quick turnaround time

Cons: Limited video storage availability


Price:Free: $0/month, Basic: $24/month, Pro: $40/month, and Business: $95/month qualifies as a top-notch video creation and editing tool, offering a suite of AI-powered features to streamline the editing process. From resolution adjustment to video transcription, it puts forth a plethora of top-tier functionalities. Despite its advanced capabilities, maintains user-friendliness, serving beginners with intuitive navigation. Among its core AI features, the tool excels in smart video enhancement, automatically enhancing various aspects like color correction and noise reduction. Additionally, its video transcription feature simplifies the repurposing and searchability of content.

Pros: clean interface, capable editing tools, very responsive

Cons: subscriptions can get expensive, struggles when working with your media

9. Ssemble

Price:Free: $0/month, Pro: $30/month

Ssemble is an all-in-one online video editor that consolidates essential AI tools and resources for seamless video editing experiences. With Ssemble, you have the power to trim, split, zoom, rotate, and adjust the speed of your video clips all at the same time. The wide range of transition effects and VFX offered by this tool add that extra flair to your creations. Its powerful plugins, amplify your editing capabilities with ease. Ssemble not only transforms your typed text into captivating audio with your preferred voice selection but also smoothly imports your photos and videos with a single click, thus, simplifying the editing process even further. To top it off, there is also a library of royalty-free music easily accessible which elevates the ambience of your videos. With Ssemble, you can unleash your creativity without the hassle of mastering complex editing skills.

Pros: enhanced audio clarity with background noise removal, subtitle features, integration of video, audio, and script features

Cons: Limited customization capabilities in the video editor

10. Runway

Price: Basic plan free forever. Standard: $15/month, Pro: $35/month, custom plan for enterprise.

Runway extends an array of AI-powered tools designed to infuse a touch of enchantment into your video editing endeavors. From refining existing footage to making captivating new creations, this versatile platform offers various possibilities. However, the efficacy of its outcomes rests upon both the input provided and the user’s existing skills. While Runway provides a range of valuable features akin to other AI video editing tools, it’s worth noting that proficiency as a designer is advantageous for maximizing its potential. Among its offerings are tools such as face blurring, frame interpolation for animated stills, super-slow-motion adjustments, and scene detection for streamlined video segmentation. Furthermore, Runway’s transcript generator simplifies the task of transcribing videos into text, enhancing accessibility and workflow efficiency. With Runway, users can unlock a world of creative possibilities, leveraging AI technology to elevate their video editing prowess.

Pros: A lot of AI video tools such as face blur, speed adjustment, and scene detection.

Cons: steep learning curve

11. VEGAS Pro

Price: Creator bundle: $199.99/month, Pro creator bundle: $499.9/month, Collector bundle: $799.9/month.

In the dynamic space of video editing, VEGAS Pro‘s reputation as a powerhouse precedes it, now fortified by the integration of AI features. While its advanced functionalities may pose a learning curve for beginners, VEGAS Pro offers comprehensive learning resources to maneuver its intricacies. The incorporation of AI technologies elevates editing experiences to unprecedented heights. From AI content upscaling to style transfer, color grading, noise reduction, and intelligent transitions, VEGAS Pro empowers users to enhance video quality effortlessly. With a commitment to innovation and user-centric design, VEGAS Pro sets the standard for excellence in editing software, catering to the diverse needs of creators across the globe.

Pros: easily navigable interface, easy to streamline your editing process.

Cons: steep learning curve especially for beginners

12. Wondershare Filmora

Price: Annual plan: $61.99/month, Perpetual plan: $89.99/month for individuals. For teams and businesses: $155.88/month

Wondershare Filmora, a proficient tool in the video editing space, continues to evolve amidst shifting industry dynamics. Embracing the era of AI, this remarkable tool now offers cutting-edge features to ease the editing process for creators. Positioned as a leading AI video editing tool, Filmora presents a plethora of innovative functionalities. Among its standout features is an AI smart cutout, enabling the swift removal of unwanted elements from clips. Additionally, AI background removal simplifies the process of eliminating backgrounds with minimal effort. Meanwhile, AI audio stretch and denoise functionalities ensure seamless audio integration, enhancing the overall quality of video projects.

Pros: plenty of learning resources, in-built royalty-free music tracks

Cons: Limited editing capabilities especially for pro video creators

13. FlexClip

Price: Free plan: $0/month, Plus plan: $9.99/month for annual subscription. For businesses: $19.99/month for annual subscription

FlexClip is an innovative online video editing platform, that stands as a guiding light in this age of advanced technology with its powerful AI tools. These include AI text-to-video, blog-to-video, AI image generation, AI script generation, AI auto subtitle generator, and a robust text-to-speech feature. Complemented by an extensive repository of pre-designed templates, stock imagery, videos, and music, FlexClip provides users with the essential resources to kickstart their projects seamlessly. Its intuitive user interface and drag-and-drop functionality make video editing accessible to all, revolutionizing the sphere of online video creation.

Pros: affordable,cloud-stored function for trans-devices editing, in-built royalty-free music tracks

Cons: Limited advanced video editing features

14. Pictory

Price: Free trial available. Standard: $23/month, Premium: $47/month, and custom plan for the enterprise.

Pictory is an AI-driven video software, that automates video creation by utilizing advanced Artificial Intelligence. It automatically extracts key points from lengthy videos, converts scripts into high-conversion Video Sales Letters, and transforms blog posts into compelling videos. Moreover, Pictory simplifies the process by adding captions to videos automatically. With a vast media library containing over 3 million royalty-free videos, images, and music tracks, Pictory ensures a plethora of content options. It’s an ideal solution for small business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, or anyone seeking to create videos effortlessly without the need for extensive editing or costly software.

Pros: accurate voice sync feature, cost-effective

Cons: supports only English language as of now


Price:Podcaster: $15/month, Content marketer: $25/month, and Agency: $125/month is the perfect tool for skyrocketing your views and for making your social media presence more effective and efficient. It allows you to repurpose any existing content into a variety of formats in just a few clicks. Whether you’re creating blog posts, emails, podcasts, or snippets of longer-format videos, the platform provides templates that allow you to transform old posts into new pieces quickly and easily. Thus, it allows you to save significant amounts of time and money since you don’t have to worry about outsourcing your content marketing.

Pros: Affordable pricing, easy plug-and-play type of software

Cons: No images or video library included, Video from audio creation is limited


Price: Free is a powerful video-editing tool that uses AI technology to create short clips from your current existing videos, thus saving most of your time and energy. With its main functionality of making snippets from long clips instantly, this tool is the perfect solution for anybody looking to streamline their video editing process. Its feature to generate timestamps provides better descriptions of your videos benefit is especially useful for people and companies who regularly produce large volumes of video content.

Pros: Affordable, creates YouTube shorts 10x faster

Cons: Limited to English only

17. Wideo

Price:Free: $0/month, Basic: $19/month, Pro: $39/month Pro+: $79/month and Enterprise: Custom pricing available upon request

Wideo is a web-based tool designed for digital agencies, SMBs, and marketers to easily create animated marketing videos. Users can quickly customize templates by adding their images and videos and animating them with just a few clicks. It’s a handy platform for editing, creating, and sharing online videos, whether for product promotion or explainer videos. Wideo’s cost-effectiveness and user-friendly interface make it a popular choice for boosting social media engagement and click-through rates. With a wide selection of animations and elements, users can find templates suited to their needs, making Wideo a valuable resource for video creation.

Pros: Automation integrations, Responsive customer support, Easy to adjust templates

Cons: Limited advanced animation features, it is more useful for those who need to make more than 1 video a month

Table of Comparison

SimplifiedFree: $0/monthAI Magic Resizer, intuitive interface, multilingual translation capabilitiesUser-friendly interface, multilingual translation capabilitiesLimitations on the free plan, better customer assistance for the team
InVideoFree: $0/month5000+ premade video templates, integrates stock images and subtitlesIntuitive interface, navigationLimited customization capabilities
SynthesiaPersonal: $22.50/monthCustomizable avatars, library of premade video templates, access to over 120 AI voicesPremade video templates for various use casesLimited avatar customization can restrict the creativity of your videos
D-ID14-days free trialGenerative AI for video creation and avatar customization, supports more than 119 languages with a variety of accents and stylesSupports more than 119 languages with a variety of accents and styles, in-built prompt suggestion featuresCan create up to 5 min. Long video using D-ID Creative Reality Studio
GuiddeFree: $0/monthFree Chrome extension, easy video documentation generationEasy to use, free Chrome extension, embeddable and shareable video linksLimited editing capabilities
AI StudiosStarter: $30/monthOver 100 customizable video templates, virtual presenters integration, access to over 80 AI avatarsTime-efficient and cost-efficient, realistic, diverse avatars and AI voicesCap on the number of videos that can be generated per month at a maximum
FlikiFree: $0/month
AI-powered media creation suite, wide variety of AI voices in multiple languages
Cost-effective, wide variety of AI voices, quick turnaround timeLimited video storage availability
Veed.ioFree: $0/monthAI-powered video editing features, smart video enhancement, video transcriptionClean interface, capable editing tools, very responsiveSubscriptions can get expensive, struggles when working with your media
SsembleFree: $0/monthOnline video editor, essential AI tools and resources, enhanced audio clarity with background noise removalEnhanced audio clarity with background noise removal, subtitle features, integration of video, audio, and script featuresLimited customization capabilities in the video editor
RunwayBasic plan free foreverAI-powered video editing tools, face blurring, frame interpolation, super-slow-motion adjustmentsA lot of AI video tools such as face blur, speed adjustment, and scene detectionSteep learning curve
VEGAS ProCreator bundle: $199.99/monthAI content upscaling, style transfer, color grading, noise reduction, intelligent transitionsEasily navigable interface, easy to streamline your editing processSteep learning curve especially for beginners
Wondershare FilmoraAnnual plan: $61.99/monthAI smart cutout, AI background removal, AI audio stretch and denoisePlenty of learning resources, in-built royalty-free music tracksLimited editing capabilities especially for pro video creators
FlexClipFree plan: $0/monthAI text-to-video, blog-to-video, AI image generation, AI script generation, AI auto subtitle generator, cloud-stored function for trans-devices editingAffordable,cloud-stored function for trans-devices editing, in-built royalty-free music tracksLimited advanced video editing features
PictoryFree trial availableAI-driven video creation, automatically extracts key points from lengthy videos, converts scripts into high-conversion Video Sales Letters, adds captions to videos automaticallyAccurate voice sync feature, cost-effectiveSupports only English language as of now
Repurpose.ioPodcaster: $15/monthRepurposes existing content into various formats, templates for transforming old posts into new pieces quickly and easilyAffordable pricing, easy plug-and-play type of softwareNo images or video library included, Video from audio creation is limited
Vidyo.aiFreeCreates short clips from existing videos, generates timestamps for better descriptionsAffordable, creates YouTube shorts 10x fasterLimited to English only
WideoFree: $0/monthAnimated marketing video creation, customizable templates, user-friendly interfaceAutomation integrations, Responsive customer support, Easy to adjust templatesLimited advanced animation features, more useful for those who need to make more than 1 video a month

Please note that the prices and features listed here are subject to change, and it’s advisable to visit the respective tool’s website for the most up-to-date information.

In Conclusion

“As we wrap up our journey through this genre of AI video generator tools, it’s clear that these innovative companions aren’t just simplifying our processes, rather they’re unlocking doors to limitless creativity,” remarks tech enthusiast Alex. With each click and edit, these tools usher in a new era of content creation, where imagination is amplified by the power of AI. So, let’s embrace these digital cohorts and embark on a journey where the sky is the only limit. 

Elon Musk Predicts AI to Surpass Human Intelligence by Next Year

Elon Musk predicts that artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass human intelligence by next year. He emphasizes the importance of addressing the chip shortage and ensuring a stable electricity supply for AI’s development. Musk also highlights the fierce competition from Chinese car manufacturers in the automotive sector and suggests that without trade barriers, they could outpace global counterparts. Despite ongoing labor disputes, Musk expresses optimism, indicating improvements in Tesla’s challenges in Sweden.

In a recent interview full of technical glitches on X Spaces, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk made some daring predictions about the swift progress of artificial intelligence (AI). Musk confidently stated that Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), where AI surpasses human intellect, could become a reality as early as next year or by 2026.

During his discussion with Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norway’s wealth fund, Elon Musk emphasized the pivotal role of electricity in unleashing the potential of AI. He also shared exciting plans for the next version of Grok, the AI chatbot developed by his startup xAI, which is on track to complete its training by May.

The tech titan, known for co-founding OpenAI, expressed frustration over the scarcity of advanced chips, which is impeding the progress of Grok’s capabilities. Musk disclosed that training the Grok 2 model required a whopping 20,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs, with future versions expected to demand even more resources.

xAI, Musk’s venture, emerged last year as a competitor to OpenAI, a company he was once closely associated with. Musk accused OpenAI of veering away from its original altruistic goals in favor of profit-driven motives, a claim that OpenAI denies.

Musk highlighted the chip shortage as a major hurdle, but he underscored the critical role of electricity supply in AI’s future growth.

Turning to the automotive industry, Musk reiterated the strong competition from Chinese carmakers, calling them “the most competitive in the world.” He warned that without trade barriers, Chinese rivals could outperform global competitors.

Regarding labor issues, Musk expressed optimism, indicating that Tesla’s challenges in Sweden were improving. Tangen, representing Norway’s $1.5 trillion sovereign wealth fund and a major Tesla shareholder, confirmed recent talks with Tesla’s leadership about the company’s operations.

12 Generative AI Quotes by X, Tesla CEO Elon Musk


Elon Musk is known for his exceptional work in electric cars and space exploration. He is the CEO of Tesla, co founded Paypal, and formed SpaceX. In addition, Musk acquired Twitter (now X). Despite his visionary approach to business, he takes a cautious stance on artificial intelligence (AI). Musk has warned about AI being a major threat to humanity and advocates for its regulation.

While Musk’s concerns about AI may seem exaggerated, they are relevant in today’s debates. His perspective adds depth to discussions about the future of AI. Here are ten quotes from Musk that highlight his views on AI, which might make you rethink the rapid advancement of this technology.

Elon Musk Quotes

1. “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With Artificial Intelligence, We Are Summoning the Demon”

2.“Generative AI is the most powerful tool for creativity that has ever been created. It has the potential to unleash a new era of human innovation.”

3.“Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes…why do we have no regulatory oversight?”

4.“Robots will be able to do everything better than us…I am not sure exactly what to do about this. This is really the scariest problem to me.”

5.“If AI has a goal and humanity just happens to be in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it…It’s just like, if we’re building a road and an anthill just happens to be in the way, we don’t hate ants, we’re just building a road.”

6.“If there is a superintelligence whose utility function is something that’s detrimental to humanity, then it will have a very bad effect… it could be something like getting rid of spam email… well the best way to get rid of spam is to get rid of… humans.”

7.“The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I’m not referring to narrow AI) is incredibly fast. Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast — it is growing at a pace close to exponential. The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five-year time frame. 10 years at most.” 

8.“There is some chance that is above zero that AI will kill us all. I think it’s low. But if there’s some chance, I think we should also consider the fragility of human civilization.”

9.“If you’re not concerned about AI safety, you should be. Vastly more risk than North Korea.” 

10.“Competition for AI superiority at national level is the most likely cause of WW3.” 

11. “AI doesn’t have to be evil to destroy humanity – if AI has a goal and humanity just happens to come in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feelings.”

12.“Just the nature of the AI that they’re building is one that crushes all humans at all games.”

Bonus- “The consequences of AI going wrong are severe so we have to be proactive rather than reactive.”

So, how would you weigh in? What’s your opinion about artificial intelligence?


What is generative AI?

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as text, images, or music, often using techniques like neural networks.

Why is Elon Musk’s opinion on AI important?

Elon Musk is a prominent figure in the tech industry and has expressed concerns about the potential dangers of AI, making his views on the subject particularly noteworthy.

Is Elon Musk against AI development?

While Elon Musk has raised concerns about the risks associated with AI, he is not against its development. He has advocated for responsible AI development and regulation.